Sunday, October 17, 2021

October 17, 2021 

Dear Quashnet School Community,  

Parent/Teacher Conferences begin THIS WEEK! 

 If you have not done so already, please use the link below to schedule a virtual parent/teacher conference with your child's teachers.  


If you are not able to schedule a conference electronically for any reason, please call the Quashnet office at 508-539-1550.  Mrs. Ryder and Mrs. Milde will be able to assist you. 

Conferences dates are scheduled for  
Thursday, October 21, 
and Tuesday, October 26
between 1:20-3:40 PM and 5:30-7:30 PM

Both conference days are EARLY RELEASE DAYS with student dismissal at 12:30 PM.  

Thank you parents/guardians for using for absences, tardies, or dismissals.  As a reminder, please be sure to include: 

1. Your child's first and last name. 

2. Day or date of absence(s) 

3. Reason for absence

3. Grade and homeroom teacher.  

Throughout the year, we monitor student attendance in terms of absences, tardies, and dismissal. We use the state determined measure of a 10% absence rate to notify parents/guardians of the impact of absences on learning. Research has shown that students who fall into that 10% range in the first month of school are at a higher risk to continue that trend. If your child did reach that 10% absence rate, you may receive a letter. Recorded or known COVID-19 related absences are not being included in that 10% absence rate as that is unavoidable.

Every effort should be made, however, to avoid family vacations, attending sporting events, and other "extra" days off on scheduled school days. Coming off 18 months of interrupted schooling, building routines and stamina is extremely important.  We appreciate your help and in recognizing the importance of being in school on time each day! 

Let's have some fun! 
Join us in the 4th Annual Pumpkin Book Character Challenge. 

1.Decorate a pumpkin as your favorite chapter book character. 

2.Bring your pumpkin to school between October 22 through Oct. 26.

3. Use pumpkins or gourds, real or craft ones. 

4. NO carved pumpkins please! 

5. Each student who participates will be entered into a drawing for a $10 Scholastic Book Fair gift certificate. 

*Look for a copy of the notice that was sent home.  

Thank you QS PTO for supporting students.   

October 25-October 29 - Quashnet School gym.  

Notes from Nurse Terri: 
1. Please be sure to check the daily symptom checker on the MPS website Health page ( and to follow the guidance if the student has symptoms. Symptoms are not limited to a fever or have to include a fever. 

2.  Students should have a spare mask in addition to coming in with one that fits appropriately and is comfortable.

3. Routine scoliosis screenings begin next week for 5th and 6th graders. If parents have questions or concerns they are encouraged to reach out directly to Nurse Terri at or 508-539-1555.  

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead.  

Principal O'Brien 

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