Saturday, May 29, 2021

May 30, 2021

Dear Quashnet School Community, 

Schools are closed on Monday, May 31, for Memorial Day, but it is so much more than just a day off. 

"Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Memorial Day 2021 will occur on Monday, May 31. 

Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings, and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season." For more information on Memorial Day visit:

Enjoy the extra day this weekend. 

Tuesday is June 1 and we are approaching the end of the school year with only 16 school days remaining.  These days matter!  Attendance and participation in class are needed.  Teachers are not done teaching and students are not done learning!  Please be sure to make every effort to have our child in school every day.  We will be enjoying some special events as well - 

June 1 - 4 is Spirit Week at Quashnet.  Please support our dedicated student council by having students participate in these fun days.  

MCAS Make-ups continue this week and 100% Remote student testing is scheduled for this week as well.  If you are unsure about your child's testing schedule, please contact Assistant Principal Kapulka at  

June at a Glance 

June 1-4 Spirit Week / MCAS Make-ups continued 

June 4 - Walk of Honor for the MMHS Class of 2021 @ 9:25 AM

June 4 - Grade 5 Virtual Field Trip to the Museum of the American Revolution  

June 5 - MMHS Class of 2021 Graduation 

June 7 - Early Release Day for students - dismissal is 12:30 PM 

June 8 - Final MPS Virtual Story Night 7 PM 

June 10 - Step Up Night for incoming Grade 3 students and family 

June 11 - Visit from MMHS Music teachers and students/visit to Grade 6 classes 

June 15 - Field Day for Grade 3 & Grade 5 

June 15 - Step Up Night at MMHS for incoming Grade 7 students and families 

June 16 - Field Day for Grade 4 and Grade 6 

June 16 - Grade 3 Virtual Field Trip to Plimoth Patuxet Museum 

June 16 - School Committee Meeting at QS Library 

June 18 - Rain Date for Field Day 

June 21 - QS Virtual Academic Awards Day 

June 22 - Report Cards Issued (Placement for next year will be shared with families in August)

June 22 - Last Day of School - Student dismissal 12:30 PM 

(FYI - Grade 4 attended a virtual field trip to Ellis Island and Grade 6 visited NASA virtually in May)

You know it is spring in fifth grade when the eggs arrive! Thank you, Mrs. Mayen, Mrs. Babich, and Ms. Warren, the fifth-grade science teachers, for sharing the hatching process. The teachers will be posting changes to the incubated eggs with classes through videos this year. Check out the first installment!  

Morning greeting at Quashnet School with Keiki, Cali, 
Mr. Withington and SRO Kate Hennessey.

The latest on schools and COVID from the State House News Service -  

The new guidance, sent to superintendents Thursday evening, says districts and schools must continue “core mitigation strategies” including indoor masking, physical distance, and strong hand hygiene for the remainder of this school year. When the state lifts most COVID-19 restrictions Saturday, students and staff will still need to wear masks when they are inside.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation in following these guidelines. Our students are amazing and wear their masks inside needing minimal reminders. Masks are not required for recess or for field day since we will be outside!

Congratulations to Mashpee High School Class of 2021 ~ Quashnet School is PROUD of you and your accomplishments. Wishing all of our MPS graduates happiness and  success as they begin their next adventure ~ 🎓


Principal O'Brien 

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