June 6, 2021
Dear Quashnet School Community,
Last Friday, Quashnet School students and staff were so excited to welcome back the Class of 2021. MMHS Seniors marched around the school while students and staff cheered them and their achievements. It seems like yesterday these graduates walked the halls of Quashnet - time goes quickly, appreciate each step along the way.
Graduation was a wonderful celebration on Saturday under a beautiful blue sky.
Congratulations to the Class of 2021!
There are two early release days left this school year. Monday, June 7, 2021, is an early release day for students. Student dismissal is at 12:30 PM. Please send any special dismissal instructions to qsattendance@mpspk12.org. The last day of school, Tuesday, June 22, student dismissal is also at 12:30 PM.
It is GREAT to see Quashnet students participate in the MPS Virtual Story Night - hope to see you Tuesday night!
Thursday, June 10th is Grade 3 Step-up Night at QS -
Grade 6 students and families - please mark your calendar for Tuesday, June 15, 5:30 - 7:30 PM. There will be a step-up night for soon-to-be Grade 7 students. Meet Principal Balestracci, MMHS staff, and tour the school. Please make every effort to attend this important transition event.
Year-end student recognition awards will be distributed on Monday, June 21, 2021. Awards will be distributed virtually during grade-level assemblies. A link will be shared with families to view the recorded grade-level assemblies. Recognition awards are based on academic achievement, good manners, special subject teacher recognition, and one student per grade will receive the recognition of Grade Scholar.
Here is the link to Candling Eggs - Day 14, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mucpuwOTxPw.
Thank you Grade 5 - looking forward to meeting a few feathered friends coming soon!
As the school year progresses and the days get warmer, Quashnet teachers and staff continue to work hard each day to prepare engaging lessons. There is still work to do and Falcon Five expectations are still expected every day - Be Safe, Respectful, Responsible, Ready, and Caring. We can do it, and together we can finish this unique year #QuashnetStrong!
Each student should have a water bottle with them each day - water fountains remain closed, but water bottle fillers are available.
One of our wonderful and civic-minded fifth-grade students is organizing an operation to help the MSPCA. Based on her research, the following is a list of items the MSPCA is looking for. There will be a box in the front lobby if you can help with this drive. Thank you!
We wanted to let you know about an upcoming event in your community.
The Massachusetts Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and Cape-based nonprofit Team Maureen, are joining with partners on the Cape and Islands to hold a free community event titled: “It’s Worth A Shot: Community Conversations About Vaccines.” We hope that you will join us in distributing the registration information to your students, families, and community to make them aware of this opportunity.
The event will be held virtually on Wednesday, June 9, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Portuguese translation will be offered.
This event is offered thanks to generous support from Cape Cod Healthcare and the Massachusetts Chapter of the Academy of Pediatrics.
For more information please contact:
Cynthia R. McReynolds
Program Manager, Immunization Initiative
The Massachusetts Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics (MCAAP)
860 Winter Street, Waltham, MA 02451. Phone: 781.895.9850
Help Kids' Safe Return to School – Get Caught Up on Recommended Vaccines
JUNE at a Glance
June 7 - Early Release Day for students - dismissal is 12:30 PM
June 8 - Final MPS Virtual Story Night 7 PM
June 10 - Step Up Night for incoming Grade 3 students and family
June 11 - Visit from MMHS Music teachers and students/visit to Grade 6 classes
June 15 - Field Day for Grade 3 & Grade 5
June 15 - Step Up Night at MMHS for incoming Grade 7 students and families
June 16 - Field Day for Grade 4 and Grade 6
June 16 - Grade 3 Virtual Field Trip to Plimoth Patuxet Museum
June 16 - School Committee Meeting at QS Library
June 18 - Rain Date for Field Day
June 21 - QS Virtual Academic Awards Day
June 22 - Report Cards Issued (Placement for next year will be shared with families in August)
June 22 - Last Day of School - Student dismissal 12:30 PM
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead.
Principal O'Brien
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