Sunday, May 2, 2021


May 2, 2021 


Dear Quashnet School Community, 

It is so wonderful to see the May flowers looking so beautiful around school and around our town.  DPW recently weeded and spread mulch out in front of the school and in the courtyards - and it looks GREAT! International Labyrinth Day was on Friday, April 30, and so many classes were able to enjoy the space in the sunshine.  We also acknowledged Greta McCue, a retired QS guidance counselor, who was instrumental in bringing the labyrinth to Quashnet School.  Mrs. McCue and our counselors, Ms. Maggiacomo, Mrs. Morrison, Mr. Withington, and Keiki have supported peace and mindful education with our school community.  

The first week in May also brings Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the ENTIRE STAFF of QUASHNET SCHOOL for ALL they do for our children every day. Our community is focused on students first and as a team, we work to achieve that goal daily. With the pandemic and students being home or working remotely, so many of you have witnessed the dedication, hard work, and patience that goes into teaching. I see it each day and am SO appreciative of this staff - I am grateful! 

Placement for the 2021-2022 school year is beginning.  Although I cannot guarantee a specific teacher for your child, please feel free to share your input on the needs you feel would be in your child's best interest as a learner for the next school year. Please email me directly at before May 15. Your email will be kept confidential. It is important to know, that as a team, teachers, counselors, Mr. Kapulka, and I will work to balance classrooms to ensure a productive classroom setting with supports in place for all students.  Final placements for the 2021-2022 school year are shared with families in August.  

MCAS Dates are set for 
Quashnet School students!  

Thursday, May 20 - ELA MCAS, Grades 3-6 

Friday, May 21 - Mathematics MCAS, Grades 3-6 

Thursday, May 27- Science&Tech/Engineering, Grade  5  

The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has a Parents' Guide to MCAS.  There is no studying that students do - the assessment is a cumulative test that covers multiple grade-level standards. MCAS is an untimed assessment, but each session must be completed within a school day. 

The only preparation is- 

1. Be in school and on time!

2. Students should have a good night's sleep the night before the assessment. 

3. Eat a healthy breakfast. 

4. Students should try their best and leave no blanks! 

MCAS is an opportunity for students to show what they know and it allows us to evaluate our curriculum.  But what we really know is... 

Mashpee  Children  Are  Smart 

Join our school community on Tuesday, May 4th for  ST Math Night!

Click HERE to register for Tuesday, May 4th @ 6PM.  

Have you registered your child for Genius Academy yet?

Genius Academy registration ends this Friday, May 7th.  What is Genius Academy? It is a FREE academic summer program to keep students actively engaged in learning. Through project-based learning, students will be reading, writing, and engaged in problem-solving. It is being held at MMHS for Quashnet students. Please click the link to REGISTER HERE. Being at MMHS will allow Grade 6 students to acclimate to their new school setting for Grade 7. Please consider this fabulous opportunity. Transportation WILL BE provided.  

Another summer opportunity that might be of interest is below - 

The following is a message from Hannah Rogers, MMHS Project 351 ambassador, who is sponsoring a clothing drive -  


Last week's focus on regions of the world, was a great success thanks to the hard work of the Grade 6 Student Council, Ms. Maggiacomo, Gus Stickley, the kitchen staff, and Mrs. MacIntire's festive decorating skills.  

Thank you to a fabulous TEAM! 

Academic Update 

Pictures this week include animal adaptation presentations by Grade 4 students from Mrs. McKay's classroom.  Mrs. Stoshine's students earned special recognition from completing STMath puzzles, and there is a great video of Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Boyd's music class for Grade 5. 

You will see pictures from STEM class with Mrs. Whiddon where Grade 4 students create their own instruments that they will learn to play in music class. 

Learning is creating and engaging!  

Quashnet School & MPS supports our MMHS Seniors on Monday, May 3 for National Decision Day!  

Wear a college t-shirt, sweatshirt, or school colors.  




FYI - 
Monday, May 10th - QS PTO meeting at 6:00 PM (on Zoom).  
Thursday, May 13th - PICTURE DAY at QS. 


Sunday, May 9th is Mother's Day.  

Wishing all moms, grandmothers, and those supporting our children in the role of mom a VERY happy Mother's Day with your most precious gifts, your children. 

Of all the roles I have had, my most important and valued by far is mom.  So grateful 💖

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead. Be sure to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.  We are all here to help and support our kids! 


Principal O'Brien 

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