May 16, 2021
Dear Quashnet School Community,
Friday, May 21st, is the final day for the clothing drive. We have two large boxes in our front lobby to donate gently used children's clothing. Infant sizes through XL are needed. MMHS Project 351 rep, Hannah Rogers, is leading this drive. Thank you, Hannah!
This Thursday and Friday, May 20 & 21, Quashnet students will be participating in the ELA and Mathematics MCAS sessions. Please know that your child's MCAS results do not impact report card grades or advancement to the next grade level. MCAS data is used to evaluate our curriculum, instructional strategies, and identify areas where a student excels and areas of concern based on the state learning standards. MCAS results typically are shared with parents in October or November. The actual release date is determined annually by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE have your child to school on time both Thursday and Friday. Once a test session begins in the morning, any students arriving late will not be able to join their class until the testing session is over. Being on time is extremely important.
Another important MCAS regulation is that students are not allowed to have cell phones, smartwatches, fit bits, or any device that can text, access the internet, or take pictures. PLEASE leave any of those devices home on Thursday and Friday.
Recommended ways to help your child be successful:
1. Go to bed early the night before a test.
2. Have a healthy breakfast before coming to school.
3. Encourage your child to try their best and use the strategies they have been taught.
4. Try every question/problem and leave no blanks.
MCAS is a way for students to show "ALL YOU KNOW!" Click this link for more info on MCAS, Parents' Guide to MCAS.
Parent Drop-off and Pick-up Update
Although it is best to have your children enter and exit your car from the passenger side during drop-off and pickup, some families cannot do that for various reasons. When cars begin passing one another, it creates a serious hazard to those children that need to enter the car on the driver's side of their vehicle. Please be patient, and do not pass.
SAFETY must remain the TOP PRIORITY.
If there is a delay with a drop-off or pickup, please be sure to move to the farthest location just after the sign to assist or wait for your child. Cars will be able to pass your car safely in that location. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Students are recognized for demonstrating the Falcon Five traits of being Safe, Respectful, Responsible, Ready, and Caring every week. They receive a Student of the Week certificate, a wrist band, and a special pencil. Each certificate indicates who is recognizing the student and why. These recognitions come from homeroom teachers, special subject teachers, counselors, administrators, and other staff members in our school community. Celebrating student achievement on an ongoing basis is important both inside and outside of the classroom. If you see one of these certificates - be sure to check out why your child was recognized and discuss it with your child. What we pay attention to grows!
News from the PTO -
The nominations are in for the QS PTO Board. According to the bylaws, there will be a ballot for an election this September during the QS Open House. Fingers crossed that we will have an in-person event! The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 14, 2021, @ 6:00 PM.
What a gorgeous weekend to be outside ~ looking forward to a great week ahead!
With the warm weather here, every student should have a water bottle in school with them. Only water is allowed in the classrooms - no sports drinks or carbonated beverages, please. Water fountains remain closed, but students can refill their water bottles during the day. Reminder, lunches continue to be free for all students through the end of this year and next.
Principal O'Brien
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