February 23, 2019
Dear Quashnet School Community,

Tonight is a school night! We are looking forward to welcoming students back to school after a beautiful February vacation week. I hope everyone feels rested, rejuvenated, and ready to work! Monday will be the 105th day of school. Being present and focused is so important as new material is introduced every day.
Thank you to all of our Stop and Shop shoppers. So far we have reached $6,534.40 in the A+ Reward program. With your participation in this program, we are able to use these funds to offset the cost of field trips, items for the school store, and support special initiatives. Thank you!
STEAM Night is THIS THURSDAY from 6-8 PM!
Bring the family and together enjoy a variety of hands-on
activities and interesting displays.
-Activities will be in the cafe, gym, library, and selected classrooms-
This is a fun night for all and not to be missed!
A special congratulations to our own entrepreneur, Carmen Bartlett. She was featured in an article in the Cape Cod Times for her start-up business of making and marketing slime. In case you missed the Cape Cod Times article just click the link: mashpee-fifth-grader-opens-business-that-produces-slime-with-style.
Looking ahead there are several important dates to be aware of-
2/27/20 - STEAM Night 6-8 PM
3/13/20 - KCC vs QS PTO Basketball Game
3/19/20 - Music in Our Schools Month Concert at MMHS
3/27/20 - 3/29/20 - Seussical the Musical @ MMHS
4/7/20 and 4/9/20 - ELA MCAS for Grades 3-6
4/16/20 - Quashnet Night to Shine (Talent Show)
4/30/20 - QS Spelling Bee (more to come on the word list, participation, and rules)
Be sure to check the weekly list of events on the Week at a Glance tab above and also through Superintendent DeBoer's Happenings. Both sources are updated weekly.
There is a QS PTO meeting on Tuesday, February 25 in the Quashnet Library at 5:45 PM. All are welcome!
Basketball players are needed for the big game on March 13th. Please email qsptovicepresident@gmail.com if you can play or have questions. Let's KEEP the trophy at QS!
During the vacation week, I had a special visitor in my yard.
This eagle was huge, graceful, and beautiful!
Looking forward to seeing you on Thursday evening.
Principal O'Brien
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