January 5, 2020
Happy New Year Quashnet Community!

I hope everyone had a wonderful time home with family and friends, and that you were able to find time to do what you enjoy. Personally, it was great to have time to read a book and slow down the pace a little bit. It was fabulous to see students return last Thursday and settle back into the routine of school.
Friday night was a fun night at Quashnet. Thank you, PTO, for hosting the Black Light Dance - it was a great way to begin the New Year! The cafeteria was transformed with black lights and neon artwork on the walls. Students had multi-color glow sticks and blinking rings. The music and Zumba dancing had everyone on their feet! Thank you, Mrs. Babich and honor society student volunteers for their help and support of the PTO and families.
Did you happen to see the Read to Succeed information that was distributed to students on December 17, 2019? Quashnet School participates in this reading incentive program where students are asked to log six hours or more of reading time between Dec 17th - April 17th. Each student who participates will earn a certificate and a coupon for one free admission to Six Flags New England over the summer. It is easy to register - just go online to sixflags.com/books and use the QS code: E3NZU. Happy reading!
Check out these statistics on reading 20 minutes per day - reading every day gives students a real advantage!
If you need help finding a "just right" book for your child or would like recommendations, please reach out to your child's teacher, Mrs. Pons, our school librarian, or the Mashpee Public Library.
Check out this website at https://massachusettschildrensbookaward.blogspot.com/ - not only will you find a list of nominated books and award-winning titles, there is a short description of each book. It is a fabulous way to match high-interest books and reading levels.
Congratulations to Mrs. Mayen and Ms. Ream for both receiving Cape Cod Five Mini-Grants to fund special projects. Mrs. Mayen was awarded $500 to off-set the cost of the SeaPerch Collaborative Project where students design and test underwater rovers. Ms. Ream, our English Language Educator, was awarded $500 to start a bilingual book section in our school library. Last year, Quashnet School earned seven $500 mini-grants from Cape Cod Five. We are grateful for this community support to enhance student experiences and resources.
In regards to community and global connections, we are waiting for the arrival of twelve exchange students from Beijing China. Having secured their visas, they will be at Quashnet School to meet their host families on Saturday, January 11, 2020. It is not too late to participate. There are two boys that still need host families. Our visitors want to learn about the American culture, practice English speaking skills, and make new friends. On Tuesday, January 7th, there will be a host family meeting in the Quashnet library beginning at 6:00 PM. Even if you are not able to host this year, but would like to learn about the program, please feel free to join us. A cultural exchange program is truly an educational opportunity for everyone.

The Quashnet School National Elementary Honor Society will be inducting new members into the program tomorrow evening, January 6, 2020, at 5:30 PM in the QS cafeteria. Students in Grades 5 & 6 are eligible for this recognition based on a combination of MCAS scores in both Reading and Math and STAR Reading and Math scores. Teacher recommendation is also required. Quashnet School is proud to participate in this national organization that is based on four tenants of Leadership, Scholarship, Service, and Character.
Kindness if the MPS theme of the month. The KINDNESS of our community partners was so evident and appreciated last month for their generous support of others. Thank you Mashpee Kiwanis Club, Dino's, Southport Falcons, Cape Cod Church, Mashpee PD, Barnstable County Sheriff's Dept., E.J. Jaxtimer Landscaping, Stop and Shop, and numerous selfless individuals for their donations of holiday support. Being a connected community is never more evident than during the holiday season. Thank you all!

Hop onboard the #KindnessCarousel!
The Quashnet School Student Council is working hard to make sure kindness goes round and round our schools and community! Students received coupons to record their acts of kindness. We are working to collect 1,000 good deeds. It is not just for the kids - please help us as we all spread kindness ~ pay it forward. Use the hashtag (#KindnessCarousel) on twitter to share the kind acts you see - let's work together to make KINDNESS GO ROUND AND ROUND! To celebrate kindness there will be a family dance at Quashnet on Friday, January 24th from 6-8 PM in the cafeteria. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Wishing you all a great week ahead!
Principal O'Brien
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