Sunday, December 15, 2019

December 15, 2019

Dear Quashnet School Community,

Today's post is the last for 2019 and includes the calendar updates for January 2 and 3, 2020. The next posting will be Sunday, January 5, 2020. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season- be safe, relax, and enjoy time with family and friends. 😊

We have five full days until break, and they all count!  Teachers are working hard to plan engaging lessons and finish units before the long holiday break.  It is also SPIRIT WEEK at Quashnet School! The Student Council has organized this event and has asked students and staff to show their school spirit and have some fun. For a quick reference:  

Monday, 12/16 - Crazy Hair Day 
Tuesday, 12/17 - Sports Day 
Wednesday, 12/18 - Mix Match Day 
Thursday, 12/19 - Holiday/Winter Day - wear theme sweaters, sweatshirts, etc. 
Friday, 12/20 - Blue and White Day - Show your Mashpee Pride! 

Is your child missing a coat, hat, gloves, maybe a scarf? Our Lost and Found is growing by leaps and bounds! There is a rack in the front hallway along with one in the cafe as well.  There are Under Armour jackets and North Face coats, Patriots sweatshirts, and more. I will be encouraging all students to check racks during lunch this week, but please feel free to stop in, get a pass in the office, to visit the Lost and Found! Before leaving for break, the racks will be bagged up and donated - to be refilled in 2020! 

Cultural Exchange Opportunity 

I am very excited to once again share that we have been asked to host 12 exchange students from China. In 2017, we had 24 students join us and it was a wonderful cultural exchange and experience. Please consider opening your home for one week and welcoming a student. I have received a picture and an introductory paragraph from each student sharing a little bit about themselves. Either call me directly (508-539-1550), send an email , or stop into the office a day this week for more information and to learn about our visitors.  

Students will be arriving in Mashpee on Saturday, January 11, 2020, and returning to Beijing, China on Sunday, January 19, 2020.  During the week they shadow their host student at school.  One night during the week they will be away on an excursion to New York City. Both the Boys and Girls Club and Adventure Club have allowed exchange students to shadow there as well.  After returning from break, there will be a host family meeting to review the program. During their stay, there is local support 24/7 for any concerns or language issues. Please consider participating in this opportunity.    

Reminder:  Gingerbread structures must be picked up this week or unfortunately they will be discarded.  

PTO Update

There are two fun and important dates to know!  

The Extreme Neon Blacklight Dance was re-scheduled for Friday, January 3, 2020, from 6-8 PM in the QS cafe.  Help us all ring in the New Year at Quashnet School with this family fun event. Save those party hats and 2020 glasses and let's dance! 

Another PTO classic needed to be rescheduled due to conflicts with schedules. Mark your calendar for Friday, March 13, 2020, the new date for the annual KCC/QS PTO Basketball Game.  We will be looking for players from the staff and parents. What a great New Year resolution - support the PTO!!!  This event was rescheduled from January 31st.  Let's KEEP the trophy at its QS home!

KINDNESS is in the air! Please be on the lookout this week for Kindness coupons. We are on a carousel of kindness - working to make kindness go round and round.  We are asking students and families to record, document, and Tweet out random acts of kindness #KindnessCarousel and #QuashnetSchool. 

On Monday, January 6, 2020, Quashnet School will induct new members into the Quashnet School National Elementary Honor Society. Fifth-grade and sixth-grade students are invited to participate in this program based on MCAS performance, STAR scores, and teacher recommendation. The Quashnet School NEHS is based on four tenants of Leadership, Scholarship, Service, and Character.  

Be sure to check out the photos from last week. There are several from the Pasta Supper on Thursday night, recognition dog tags for perfect attendance, effort and the Falcon Award for Term 1 and other fun photos from the week. If you had your family photo or students took a friend photo from Lifetouch, I will be posting them on the blog as soon as I get them. They are sent electronically. Be on the lookout! 

 A very special thanks to Mr. Gus and his crew for preparing a delicious dinner. 

...and how about those Quashnet singers!  😎

Christmas and the holidays are a season of giving. Some of the best gifts are those that come from the heart. Showing appreciation through a kind word, a thoughtful email, or with a handmade card from a student is so meaningful to teachers and staff. Those are the gifts that last a lifetime. As we enter this week before Christmas, please respect the District's Wellness Policy of no candy or cupcakes, etc. Let's celebrate and show our gratitude with quality time together.  

Merry Christmas and happy holidays Quashnet Community.  
I am truly grateful for you! Happy 2020! 

Principal O'Brien 

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