January 12, 2019
Greetings Quashnet School Community,
Our guests have arrived! After a 14+ hour flight from Beijing and a 13 hour time change, 11 exchange students met their host families on Saturday afternoon. They have traveled with an assistant principal and one teacher from their school in the Daxing District of Beijing. Beijing is home to over 22 million people. It is a very urban setting and the home of the Forbidden City at its center.
As you can imagine, Mashpee is completely different than the environment these students are accustomed to. While living with host families this week, students will be attending classes at Quashnet on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. This provides a cultural exchange for many students. Please share with your children that verbal communication may be challenging, but a smile is universal and welcoming.
The first stop in Boston was to visit the State House, Harvard University, and MIT.

We have been seeing an increased number of students bringing AirPods to school. These are small expensive items that can be easily lost, broken, or disappear. We have found a broken pair at recess on the field, an individual pod on the floor in the gym, and others have not been found. Please know, that any item sent into school such as AirPods, cell phones, headphones, is at your own risk. These are luxury items in school and are not needed. Headphones are available to students for use in each homeroom. I strongly recommend limiting AirPods for home use.
The Kindness Carousel Family Dance is quickly approaching on January 24th from 6:00-8:00 PM. Students, get your kindness coupons filled out and submitted to the student council. Remember, kindness goes round and round - jump on board the #Kindness Carousel and share a good deed. "In a world where you can be anything, BE KIND!"
Calling all Grade 6 Families -
The Program of Studies Night is set for Tuesday, January 28, 2020, starting at 5:30 PM. This is the informational night that was rescheduled from December. I highly recommend that you make every attempt to attend with your sixth grader. This is the first of several opportunities that you and your child will have to ask questions, learn about 7th grade, and meet the amazing team at MMHS!

The club registration is ready! Just click the link to the google form to register Session 2 Clubs. Please note, the 3D Art club is usually very popular. To accommodate as many students as possible, the class will meet for four 4-week sessions. This will allow each group to make a piece of pottery and other 3D projects.
The Writing-On club is also on a different schedule than the rest of the clubs. This will be a series of engaging mini-lessons to help students reinforce their writing skills. This group will meet twice a week for a 9 week period. This is for all skill abilities and highly recommended. This will be a cross-curricular focus to build skills and reinforce strategies with high-interest content.
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead.
Principal O'Brien
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