December 8, 2019
Dear Quashnet School Community,
The Christmas Parade kicked off a new QS drive to have the whole town join us in spreading kindness. Why use the theme of the Kindness Carousel - because kindness goes round and round!! Stay tuned for more over the next several weeks. To get started spreading kindness, if you see an act of kindness tweet it out with the hashtags #KindnessCarousel and #QuashnetSchool.
We are so appreciative of Katrina Mayen and Skyla Rimple. Last Sunday, I wrote about their fundraiser to support Quashnet School's Cape Kid Meals. This week we were presented with a check for $1050! Such generosity of time and effort. Thank you, everyone, who supported our very own Mashpee rockstars and our weekend meals program. If you would like to contribute or if your company/business is looking for a tax write-off, Cape Kids Meals will provide tax donation letters to both individuals and businesses. To provide this free support to our students and families, the cost is $150 per student per year.

Being GENEROUS is the MPS theme of the month. A huge shout-out to Dino's, Southport Falcons, Botello's, EJ Jaxtimer, Mashpee PD, Barnstable County Sheriff's Dept., Mashpee Kiwanis Club, Cape Cod Church, and numerous selfless individuals. We appreciate you and your continued support!
Be Our Guest!
Please join us this THURSDAY night, 12/12/19 @5:30 PM in the QS cafeteria for a delicious pasta supper and cookie decorating. Enjoy viewing the gingerbread structures and take a family photo from our own LifeTouch photographers. This is a fun night to join in with family and friends! Please rsvp by Tuesday, 12/10/19.
It is time to start thinking about the QS vs KCC PTO Parent/Staff Basketball Game.
The GOAL: Keep the trophy at QUASHNET!
If you are interested in playing on the team please contact Amber Smith at qsptopresident@gmail.com. Players are needed! The game is scheduled for Friday, February 7, 2020. Several practices will be scheduled in January.
Calling all Grade 6 students - the following link is the registration for Friday morning FLOOR HOCKEY, Floor Hockey Sign-up. The program starts this Friday, 12/13/19 and will go until April vacation with a game against the staff. Space is limited, so sign up now! Confirmation of participation will be sent home before Friday. Students will need to be dropped off on Fridays at 8:20 AM. Equipment will be provided. Mr. Williams will be coaching.
Cultural Exchange Opportunity
I am very excited to once again share that we have been asked to host 11 exchange students from China. The students have their visas and are expected to be here in January 2020. In 2017, we had 24 students join us and it was a wonderful cultural exchange and experience. Please consider opening your home for one week and welcoming a student. I am expecting a short bio from each student so you will be able to match interests and ages with your child(ren). Help us make the world a smaller place! I will share more information as I receive it. If you are interested in this wonderful opportunity, please email me at mobrien@mpspk12.org or call at 508-539-1550.
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