December 1, 2019
Dear Quashnet School Community,
It is hard to believe that December is here! Term 1 officially ends this Tuesday, December 3, 2019. Report Cards will be issued to students on Tuesday, December 10, 2019. December brings three full weeks of school with a half-day on Monday, December 9th. Let's make the most of these days in order to wrap up 2019 in a positive and productive way!
There are multiple opportunities to be involved in school events and happenings this month.
1. Have you created a family gingerbread creation yet to add to the QS Gingerbread Village? You can drop-off structures beginning on Wednesday, December 4th and they will be displayed through Friday, December 13th.
2. Quashnet School Chorus will be singing in the annual Mashpee Christmas Parade next Saturday, December 7th from 5-6 PM. Come out and show your support as our Quashnet kids will be spreading KINDNESS from the "Kindness Carousel" - let's make KINDNESS go round and round!

Cape Kid Meals support Quashnet and KCC students with food and snacks over the weekend and over school vacation weeks. We are pleased to participate in this Cape-wide program. The cost per child to receive these supplies is $150 per year. We have received monetary donations from local organizations, clubs, and individuals so there is no charge for the students who participate. With Skyla and Katrina's help, more Mashpee students will be able to benefit from Cape Kid Meals. You can support this initiative by attending the event or making a donation at Quashnet School or KCC. If you would like more information on Cape Kid Meals, either to support or to have your child participate in the program, please contact me directly at or Mrs. Emery at
Reminder for Grade 6 students - Tuesday, December 3rd is the Mashpee Middle-High School Program of Studies Night. It is intended for students along with their parents/guardians to meet the faculty, administration, and learn about all of the options you will have in Grade 7.
A note from Mr. Williams, Student Council Advisor: On Friday, November 22nd, the Student Council had the amazing opportunity to attend a Peer Leadership Training at Bridgewater State University presented by the Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC). The purpose of the conference was to identify key factors of bullying and cyber bullying and to build awareness of how students have the power to prevent such actions from occurring. The 6th Grade Student Council members were broken into focus groups to identify issues they wanted to address. They researched and created programs they would like to implement to educate their peers on the importance of treating others with respect. Work on their programs will continue during their Student Council meetings throughout the school year. Following the conference, the students had the opportunity to have lunch and tour the Bridgewater State University campus. The members of the Student Council represented the Quashnet School and the Town of Mashpee with professionalism and pride. They look forward to sharing their experiences and educating their peers with the skills and knowledge gained during this engaging and worthwhile conference.
I look forward to seeing and supporting these Falcon Five Leaders spread kindness throughout our building to benefit ALL students.
This coming Wednesday, December 4th, the MMHS National Technical Honor Society is hosting a Community Gift-Making night for all Falcons from 4:30-6:30 PM. Students will be able to make ornaments and coasters with the laser engraver and dye sublimation. Other activities will be creating spoon people, shell ornaments, and listening to caroling. The green screen will be available to take pictures; you can even make video cards.

There are lovely silent auction gift items as well. There are signs, cutting boards, mugs, gift cards, and more. Come enjoy this family event. A $5 donation per family is recommended.
I hope everyone enjoyed this long weekend and has had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Generosity is the MPS theme for the month of December. I am grateful to our community for their continued generosity to benefit students, families, and school initiatives. I look forward to seeing you and welcoming you to Quashnet over the next several weeks.
Principal O'Brien
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