Sunday, November 17, 2019

November 17, 2019 

Greetings Quashnet School Community, 

Did you know that tomorrow, November 18th, is an early release day for students?  Dismissal will be at 12:30 PM.  If there are any changes in your child's dismissal plans, please send in a note with specific instructions. 

November is a time to reflect and give thanks. This bulletin board is in the Grade 6 hallway and it is a great reminder to stop, think, and appreciate all we have. 

Thank you, families, for your trust, support, and for sharing your wonderful children with us each day. Thank you to the Mashpee community for funding our school. Thank you to the Wampanoag Tribe for their partnership and outstanding assembly last Thursday with the Red Hawk Drummers and all the talented dancers. Be sure to check out the photos and videos on the photo tab above. Thank you, DPW for maintaining our facilities.  Thank you to our team of amazing volunteers that help us every day. Thank you, PTO, for putting students first.  Thank you to MPD and MFD for their focus on school safety.  Thank you, teachers, paraprofessionals, counselors, specialists, Mrs. Avtges, and all the Quashnet staff that give their best to support all students grow academically, socially and emotionally.  Thank you to Superintendent DeBoer and Assistant Superintendent Hanscom for their vision and for the support from the entire central office staff.  Thank you to the office staff at Quashnet, Mrs. MacIntire, Mrs. Pagano, and Mrs. Emery for their dedication and hard work. Thank you, Mr. Gus and the kitchen crew for preparing breakfast and lunch each day. Thank you, Nurse Terri, for taking care of health needs for all. Thank you, Barnstable County Sheriff's Department for supporting our school. For all other organizations, clubs, and individuals that contribute, thank you. The Quashnet School Community is a connected communityWith sincere thanks for all that you do for our kids! 

With this busy season coming up quickly, below are some dates to be aware of-

November 18-December 11 - Place your order for Cupcake Charlie's
Friday, Nov. 22 - QS PTO BLACK LIGHT Dance 6-8 PM 
Tuesday, Dec. 3 - Grade 6 Students and Families to MMHS for Program of Studies Night 
Wednesday, December 4 - Falcon Bucks Fundraiser is due
Saturday, Dec. 7 - Mashpee Christmas Parade 
Monday, Dec. 9 - Early Release Day 
Tuesday, Dec. 10 - Term 1 Report Cards Issued 
Thursday, Dec. 12 - Quashnet School Pasta Dinner Night, Cookie Decorating, Family 
Photos (more info to come of this fun school community event)
Thursday, December 18 - Cupcake Charlie's order pick-up

Mashpee schools will be closed from December 23 - January 1st. All Mashpee schools will be in session on Thursday and Friday, January 2 & 3, 2020.  

PTO News
NEW Clipless label on boxes

BoxTops are still an easy way for you to help fund amazing programs and projects at Quashnet School.
Congratulations to Mr. Greggerson’s 5th Grade classroom who brought in the most BoxTops for the month of October with student Gabe Hanscom bringing in the most out of all students in Quashnet. Each student in Mr. Greggerson’s classroom received a prize.

Apple App Store Image 
Reminder to parents and guardians to download the new BoxTop app which will help you scan the new clipless BoxTops to earn money for Quashnet Students. Students can be given individual credit for scanned tops within the app. We ask parents to send a screenshot either via email to or printed with the student’s name, grade, and homeroom teacher in by the end of each month to be included in the monthly BoxTop contests. Paper BoxTops will still be accepted at school until they expire. Contest winners will be announced at the beginning of each month for the previous month. 
A huge THANK YOU to all who participate!!

This Friday, November 22, 2019, don't miss the Extreme Neon BLACK LIGHT DANCE in the Quashnet School Cafe from 6:00 - 8:00 PM - this is always a GREAT TIME for all!

With only two days of school next week, I will not be sending out a blog post next Sunday.  The next post will be on Sunday, December 1, 2019. 

Wishing you a wonderful holiday weekend with family and friends.  

Principal O'Brien 

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