Sunday, November 10, 2019

November 10, 2019 

Dear Quashnet School Community, 

It was our honor on Friday, to welcome veterans to Quashnet School to thank them and recognize them for their service to our country.  Chief Warrant Officer Van Huysen and Master Sergeant Santos officiated the assembly. We have a dedicated staff who organize this each year, and I thank Mrs. Rastallis, Mrs. Pagano, Mrs. Arsenault, Mrs. Blount, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Geggatt, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Boyd for all of their work.  Mr. Gus Stickley and his staff also worked hard to prepare a delicious lunch for our guests.  Thank you! Pictures of the day are on the photo tab above.

This year we welcomed a very special guest at the assembly, Jason and his dog Dougie. You may have heard that Quashnet School students spent two years raising funds to purchase a service dog for a local veteran.  Students donated their Right Choice tickets to the project and the tickets were matched by local businesses and individuals for cash, $1:1 ticket.  After approximately 2 years we raised $14,000.  The funds went to Heroes in Transition who were able to match a local veteran with a trained service dog. Well, 4 years later, Jason and Dougie were here to visit! This project exemplifies all the characteristics of the Falcon Five, of being Safe, Respectful, Responsible, Ready, and Caring. Thank you, Mrs. Emery, for leading this initiative and Nicole Spencer from HIT for sticking with us throughout this project. Thank you, Jason, for your courage and willingness to share your personal story with Quashnet students and for your service.  Quashnet School appreciates and values our Veterans.   

This coming week is Native American Awareness Week at Mashpee Public Schools.  We are excited to welcome Cameron Greendeer on Thursday, November 14th, to teach students about the rich culture of the Wampanoag and other tribes through dance, music, and regalia. Friday, November 15th, is National Rock Your Mocs Day. I encourage all of our Native American students to wear their moccasins or regalia, and others to respectfully celebrate tribal heritage. The Rock Your Mocs Day was founded in 2011 to mark indigenous roots and has been growing every year since. With the help of Nitana Greendeer, we will be learning about several Mashpee Wampanoag leaders and elders throughout the week. Our cultural diversity is another reason why it's GREAT to be in Mashpee!   

Two important opportunities are coming up soon - please mark your calendars! 

Grade 6 families are invited to attend the Program of Studies Night at MMHS on December 3, 2019, from 5:30 -8:00 PM.  Parents/guardians and Grade 6 students will learn about options that await students entering MMHS, they will meet the teachers and the administration. Several opportunities to support students as they transition to MMHS are planned for this spring and summer, but this is the first.  I encourage all Grade 6 families to attend.  Click the link to the flyer for all the details - Program of Studies Night 2019.

The National Technical Honor Society @ MMHS is hosting a new event this year for all Mashpee families on December 4th from 4:30 -6:30 PM at MMHS.  What a great way to get a jump start on the holidays.  Click the link to the flyer for all the details - Community Gift Making.  

Monday, November 18th, is an early release day for Quashnet students. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 PM. If there are any changes at all in dismissal PLEASE send in a specific note as to where your child will be going and/or who will be picking them up. Thank you for your help in this important process. 

Love, Respect, and Honor 

I hope you all have a wonderful extra day this weekend. FYI as posted in the Mashpee Enterprise, "Mashpee will celebrate the men and women who have served in the United States armed forces with a parade and series of speakers on Monday, November 11, at the Veteran’s Garden across from Mashpee Town Hall.  The Veterans Day ceremony will begin at 10 AM with members of the Honor Guard, women’s auxiliary, and Veterans of Foreign Wars post, as well as Boy Scout, Cub Scout and Girl Scout troops parading along the sidewalk to the garden." 

Principal O'Brien 

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