September 22, 2019
Greetings Quashnet School Community,

Tomorrow, September 23rd is the first day of fall - the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere.
It is a beautiful time of year on Cape Cod and the weather has been perfect. With the cool mornings, many students are wearing sweatshirts or light jackets, but by recess, they are shedding them. A suggestion - please put your child's name in outerwear. Believe it or not, the QS lost and found is growing already!
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE STUDENTS WHO LOGGED THE MOST SUMMER READING MINUTES! The top two students in each grade level earned a $25 gift card to Amazon for their achievement. Thank you to Mashpee Public Library for their partnership and support of our students. Thank you to all students and families for encouraging summer reading. Reading regularly is the best way to stay prepared, build knowledge, and to be for READY for learning!

As parents/guardians, you have access to PowerSchool, our school database. With your individualized access code, you're able to sign in and see your child's academic progress. This code does not change from year to year. Individualized codes will be mailed out to our Grade 3 parents/guardians and also for new students to Quashnet School this week. If you need a copy of your access code, please either call the QS office or send in a note. To log in to PowerSchool go to and click the Parents & Students tab where you will find a link - the new MPS app also has quick easy access.
When you visited school for sneak-a-peek or for Open House, you may have noticed the variety of student seating options in classrooms. PTO has generously purchased stand up desks for many classrooms. Other classrooms have been sponsored by Donors Choice to provide seating options for students, and through our school budget, there is an effort to provide optional work spaces and flexible seating for students. The update to the Quashnet library is an example of this investment.
Here are six reasons:
1. Choice
2. Movement
3. Community
4. Comfort
5. Collaboration
6. Sensory Input
For more details click this
link: Infographics-benefits-of-flexible-seating
Monday, September 23rd is an EARLY RELEASE DAY for students. Students will be dismissed at 12:30 PM.
Teachers and staff use early release days for professional learning and planning. It is a full day of work for all staff. We value this time for professional growth. Last week, three Quashnet teachers were selected, along with other educators from across the Commonwealth, to participate in a professional development opportunity aboard the USS Constitution. They were working on integrating math, social studies, civics, and science standards during this experience. Check out the pictures of Mrs. McKay, Mrs. Geggatt, and Ms. Ream aboard "Old Ironsides."

The Stop and Shop A+ portal is open! Have you registered your Stop and Shop card for Quashnet School yet? Please ask your family members and friends to register as well. It doesn't matter where you live or what Stop and Shop you use - just click here to read more and register:
Please come to the Quashnet School PTO meeting this week- Tuesday, September 24th from 6:00 -7:00 PM in the QS library.
Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead,
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