September 29, 2019
Dear Quashnet School Community,
The link for Parent/Teacher Conferences is here! Click this link to sign up for a conference with your child's teacher(s) - We are using a new platform to register for conferences this year. I hope you find the process quick and easy. Just select Quashnet School, select the date you prefer and find a time for the teacher. You will also be able to sign up for KCC conferences on the same link. As always, if you have any difficulty or questions, just call (508-539-1550) or stop into the Quashnet office and we will be happy to help.
If conferences seem early this year, they are! In the past, conferences were held in November/December. We felt it made more sense to meet sooner and discuss strategies to best meet the needs of all students before the first term is over. October is the midterm, which will allow more time to make adjustments to best meet student needs. Attached is an article from the National Education Association on parent preparation for conference time - it's a quick read and worth it!

In order for students to learn to their full capacity, they need to feel safe, supported, have a sense of belonging, and basic needs must be met. We are so fortunate at Quashnet School to have a team of counselors who help to support all students navigate challenging situations, build social skills, and resiliency. Communication and partnering with families is key. Our school counselors are Mrs. Morrison, Ms. Maggiacomo, Mr. Withington and intern Ms. Lemire.
Mashpee has also partnered with Gosnold of Cape Cod for school-based counseling services. This is a second year of the partnership and these services have been beneficial for students who have participated.
Never hesitate to reach out if you feel your child needs support or even if you just have questions. Social-emotional learning focuses on meeting the needs of the whole-child and when we do this, students are better able to learn.
Tuesday is October! In art class, Mrs. Richards would call this picture a worm's view! Students had fun drawing worm view perspectives last week. October brings a new school theme of SAFETY. Being SAFE is a Falcon Five trait and something we look for every day!
Over the next several weeks, students in Grades 4-6 will be participating in field experiments as part of their science curriculum. As I am sure you have heard in the news, EEE has been found in mosquitoes on the Cape. We have reviewed the Board of Health warnings and they have suggested avoiding being outside from dusk to dawn. To be safe, we are suggesting the following precautions as well:
1. Students should wear long pants
2. Wear long-sleeve shirts
3. Each student will be provided with a DeepWoods OFF Towelette unless a parent/guardian opts out of this precaution.
4. A baseball cap or sun hat is always suggested on these trips.
We will be monitoring potential health care advisories and we will notify you if there are updates or changes to the scheduled trips.
The following is a message from the Quashnet School PTO:
Our first meeting of the year is done
and we’ve got a lot in store for you this year!
Book Fair Volunteers are needed!
Please go to and
sign up to volunteer for a shift!
Crazy Hat Bingo will kick off the Book Fair on the night of Friday, October 25th at 6PM - more info will be coming home soon!
Please go to and
sign up to volunteer for a shift!
Crazy Hat Bingo will kick off the Book Fair on the night of Friday, October 25th at 6PM - more info will be coming home soon!
We are excited to invite you to Color Me Mine for a Board Night on Saturday, November 2, 2019, at 6:30 PM. Please call Color Me Mine to book your seat - only 26 spots for this event and it will fill up fast! A portion of the proceeds will go to PTO and you get to take home a new piece for your home - it’s a win-win!
As always, we welcome parents and teachers to join us at our monthly meetings where you can be a part of helping to make Quashnet even better (if that’s possible!) than it already is! Our next meeting is October 22, 2019, at 6:00 PM. Childcare is available!
Thank you, PTO!
Wishing you all a safe and productive week ahead!
Principal O'Brien
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