May 19, 2019
Dear Quashnet School Community,
Memorial Day is next weekend!
The Friday before the holiday is a big day at Quashnet School - it's CAREER DAY! Students and staff are encouraged to dress according to their dream career. We are excited to welcome parents, family, and friends, who have volunteered to share their chosen career with students. Mrs. MacIntire has been busy scheduling these classroom visits. Thank you to all who are able to join us that day and share so many career options for students.
This is field trip season!
Grade 3 classes have visited the One Room School House and the Wampanoag Museum on Main Street in Mashpee. After studying their town and Massachusetts, this field trip is curriculum rich. We thank Peter Lord and Richard DeSogher from the Mashpee Historical Commission and the Wampanoag Historic Preservation Office for coordinating these educational visits.
Grade 4 classes will be visiting Penikese Island. Grade 5 has several special events coming up including Colonial Day and a Wampanoag Day with a visit to the Government Center and enjoying traditional clam chowder and more. Grade 6 went to the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and each Grade 6 classroom has experienced the legal system with a shoplifting trip to Stop & Shop then off the police station and on to court. This realistic trip is a student favorite for sure! We couldn't do this without the support from Stop & Shop, Mashpee PD, Juvenile Court, and Dino of Dino's Pizza. We are so fortunate to have the support of our community partners.
We need your help! For some reason, once MCAS is over students begin to think school is over. That couldn't be farther from the truth! Please reinforce this at home. Over the next several weeks of schools, teachers are still teaching grade-level standards, students will be taking end-of-the-year benchmark assessments, and the curriculum takes us right through to the end of the school year. Academic performance during these weeks is calculated into report cards. School rules and expectations are also still in place - hang in there everyone! It is important to END STRONG and make EACH DAY COUNT!
With gratitude to our American Veterans,
Mrs. O'Brien, Principal
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