Happy Spring Quashnet School Community,
This week brought the Vernal Equinox, the Worm Moon, and indoor recess on Friday. What a combination! Spring is definitely in the air even with waking up to a beautiful dusting of snow on Saturday morning. Be sure to keep an eye on the calendar of events as we are heading into a busy season.
One sure sign of the season across Massachusetts is MCAS. All students at Quashnet School are required to participate in these assessments per the Department of Education. Grade 3 -6 will be assessed in English Language Arts. All students will take Mathematics MCAS. Grade 5 students are also testing in Science and Technology/Engineering (STE). Once again, participation is mandatory. Please make every effort to have your child in school and on time on testing days. If testing is underway in a classroom, students cannot enter the room until testing is over. The test administration guidelines are very specific. The testing dates are:
Reading & ELA MCAS - Wednesday, April 3 & Thursday, April 4
Mathematics MCAS - Wednesday, May 8 & Thursday, May 9
Science and Tech/Engineering MCAS - Wednesday, May 15 & Thursday, May 16
Based on the guidelines we have received, there are two testing sessions per subject area which include a combination of multiple choice questions, short answer, and essay questions. Each session is expected to last approximately 1 hour, but the tests are NOT timed. Students can take as much time as required within the school day. The best way to prepare for these assessments is for students to have a good night sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and to be to school on time!
At Quashnet School we tell students that, "MCAS is the time to SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW! Read all questions thoroughly, check your work, take the time to do your very best and RELAX - You've got this!"
If you would like to see the sample MCAS tests by grade level and content, click this link: http://mcas.pearsonsupport.com/student/practice-tests-ela/.
Although we always want everyone in school, there are times when a student needs to be absent. Last week, we introduced our new attendance email system and it seems to be working well. In case you missed it, if your child will be absent at Quashnet School, send an email to qsattendance@mpspk12.org with your child's name, teacher, grade, and the reason for the absence. This is an alternative to calling in. Emails must be received by 8:15 AM or an automated phone call will be generated regarding the absence.
We have two fun events coming up for families. The first one is on Friday, April 5, 2019. Mrs. Richards, the Quashnet School art teacher, will be leading a family paint night. She has created a beautiful painting of a cherry blossom branch. This event is limited to 50 painters and students must be accompanied by an adult. The cost of each painter is $10. If the cost is a challenge, please contact me directly at mobrien@mpspk12.org. Use the following link to sign up - participation is based on a first come first serve basis. Family Paint Night Sign-Up.
Next Sunday, March 31, from 1:30-2:30 PM is the Falcon Family Skate Event @ Gallo Ice Arena in Bourne. This is a free event to have some Falcon fun. Rentals are available, but skate sizes can run out. If you have skates, bring them! Looking forward to seeing you there! Please bring a can good or food item to donate - recommended items are on the back of the flyer sent home. A very special thank you to Gallo Ice Arena for their donation of ice time and to our two Miss Keohane's for organizing this fun event!
For students:
“Quashnet Night to Shine
...a celebration of words and music"
Do you have a musical talent you’d like to share? Do you love poetry or have a favorite poem? Come to an informational meeting after school on Wednesday, 3/27 to learn about our new event: Quashnet Night to Shine - a Celebration of Words and Music. Instead of a Talent Show on the MMHS stage, we will be having this special event on the specially decorated Quashnet School stage. Ms. B. Keohane, Mrs. Boyd, and Mrs. Hill will be in music room 136 to answer all of your questions about this great opportunity to share your talents! If you are unable to attend the meeting, please see Ms. B. Keohane, Mrs. Boyd, or Mrs. Hill for the printed information we will distribute at the meeting.
Be sure to SIGN UP by Thursday, 3/28.
Informational meeting: Wednesday, March 27
Rehearsals: Wednesday, April 3 & Wednesday, April 10 (after school)
Event: Thursday, April 11, Starting at 6:00 PM
Save the Date
Family Board Game Night
Friday, May 10th
6:00 -8:00 PM
Join the PTO and play some of the best family board games around. Games will be provided and refreshments. Watch for the flyer coming soon!
Well, that's all folks! Have a great week ahead.
REPORT CARDS will be sent home on Wednesday, March 27th.
Mrs. O'Brien, Principal
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