November 11, 2018
Dear Quashnet School Community,
Mr. Dias and Mr. Fermino Great-Grandfathers and Mashpee Veterans |
On Friday, Quashnet School proudly welcomed Mashpee veterans for our annual Veterans Day assembly. "Our" children were amazing! The student council officers led the Pledge of Allegiance, a small group of students from the chorus sang the National Anthem, and the entire Quashnet School chorus sang a variety of songs during a slide show. I would like to thank Chief Warrant Officer Aaron Van Huysen who did an outstanding job as our emcee. Master Sergeant Miguel Franco presented Quashnet School with beautiful plaque and flag that was flown during a combat mission on his deployment in Africa. His squadron was a beneficiary of a Quashnet Halloween candy care package. This was an initiative started 17 years ago, and sadly but gladly we are still sending these care packages to deployed troops. Our children bring a sign of hope and happiness to those far from home. Be sure to check the photo tab for pictures and a few videos of the event.
Coming soon! On November 29th and December 3rd teachers will be meeting with parents and guardians to discuss student progress. Use the link to sign up for a conference time with your child's homeroom teacher. If your child has more than one teacher, not to worry. Teachers collaborate and the homeroom teacher will share an update from each subject area teacher.
Link: Parent Teacher Conference Sign up
Your input is valued and needed. During the conference days, the Quashnet School Council is seeking your feedback. We have three questions:
1. What works well for you at Quashnet School? - a glow.
2. How can we better meet your child/family's needs? - a grow.
3. Share - Do you have a new idea that you would like to see implemented at QS?
There will be a box outside the front office to leave your comments or you can participate electronically in the library with Mrs. Terrill and Mrs. Brooks. Thank you for your feedback in our efforts to best support ALL Quashnet students and ALL Quashnet families.
Please: When you are in for your conference, check out the lost and found - Underarmour, North Face, Gap, Patriots shirts, oh my!
On Monday, November 19th after school, the Quashnet School staff has been invited to tour the Wampanoag Government Center on Great Neck Road South. We are looking forward to expanding our knowledge of the Wampanoag culture and visiting Mukayuksak Weekuw, or "the children's house" a language based preschool. Let's celebrate, learn, and grow from our diversity!
Please note - Next Sunday, I will not be posting to the Blog. We are only in school Monday and Tuesday, November 19th and 20th. There will be no school Wednesday - Friday for the Thanksgiving Holiday. The week-at-a-glance includes those two days.
Attendance Matters! Please know that teachers work hard to make every day and every minute count for students at Quashnet School. Students need to be in school to access the curriculum. Next Monday and Tuesday, 11/19 and 11/20, are both full days.
Social Emotional Learning - SEL
SEL competencies are considered Tier 1 instruction, that means, this is a curriculum for ALL students.
The Falcon Five and Right Choice tickets are part of our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports which helps to reinforce when a student makes a right choice, or meets expectations at school. What we pay attention to grows! Students are recognized for demonstrating acts of being safe, ready to learn, for being responsible, respectful, and caring. When they are given a Right Choice ticket, the staff shares the "why" with students. If your child has their collection of tickets, ask them HOW they earned them. Many teachers at Quashnet have moved to an electronic version of this recognition through Classroom Dojo points. Make no mistake, these points are based on the Falcon Five. The same question of HOW applies. Students are learning positive school citizenship and social skills every day through reinforcement of the Falcon Five.
Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and long weekend with families and friends. I am thankful for my family, being able to be a part of your child's education, working with a team of dedicated professionals who care deeply about children, and for our supportive families and community. I am grateful.
Happy Thanksgiving
Mrs. O'Brien
Fill the Van food drive and candy drive continues this week.
Drop off any and all donations in the front lobby.
Challenge: If EVERYONE, staff and students, bring in just 1 nonperishable food item this week - we can collect over 600 additional items for the Mashpee Food Pantry just this week. Please help!
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