September 16, 2018
Dear Quashnet School Community,
It's GREAT to be in Mashpee, for you, for me, for us! #WeAreMashpee A Connected Community. These are not just taglines, it's what truly sets Mashpee apart. It was never more evident than this week!
Friday night's PTO BBQ was outstanding! Not only was it the best-attended yet, with over 900 RSVPs, the community support was incredible. This wonderful event is able to be free to families due to the generosity and donations of the following people and organizations. This is the latest list of donors I have received, I apologize in advance if it is not complete.
Mr. Gus Stickley - time, kitchen, paper goods, expertise in food service - PTO shared, "We couldn't do this without him"
Dino donated his time, food truck, 1000 hot dogs and buns, condiments and serving trays
Ninety-Nine Restaurant - popcorn and bottled water
Coca-Cola (Sandwich) - bottled water
Andy's Market - water and ice
Frito Lay - 900+ bags of chips
Guaranteed Fresh Produce - watermelons
Pepperidge Farm - cookies
Roche Brothers - food and supplies
Stop & Shop - food and supplies
Financial Donations:
Mashpee Cultural Council
Solar Rising (Mashpee)
Spencer Hallett Plumbing (Cotuit)
D'Oliveria Insurance (Mashpee)
CPC Builders (Mashpee)
Volunteers -
Mashpee Fire Department
Mashpee Police Department
Rock Stars! |
MMHS Honor Students
QS and KCC PTO families
A very special shout-out to Tracy Fischer and Rachel Coscia for their work in pulling this all together. It does take a village!
Club sign-ups close today! I am including the links to the club registration and Grade 6 floor hockey in case you missed this last Sunday. Confirmations will be sent home by this Friday, and all clubs start the week of September 24th -
Session 1 Club Registration
Grade 6 Floor Hockey Registration
Last call for Botvin Training - We are so pleased to once again offer the Botvin LifeSkills Training program for parents, guardians, and caregivers- a series of 4 evening discussions at Quashnet School in October for parents, guardians, and caregivers. Participation in all four sessions is recommended, but not required. This is a fabulous way to meet other families, discuss parenting successes and challenges, as well as strengthening our Quashnet/Mashpee Community. Babysitting is available to children and dinner will be served for all. Complete details are listed on the google form including dates and times. Please check it out! This is time well spent and an investment in your family. We are so grateful to the Mashpee Kiwanis Club for funding this excellent program. Click the link for details and register: Botvin LifeSkills Information and Registration.
Construction Update: We have another new temporary wall! Window demolition is moving around to the back of the building this week. As a result, a temporary wall was built Friday night in the cafeteria. The wall is in front of the windows, but the door will be fully accessible. We are expecting the temporary wall in the front hall to come down next Friday, possibly! It is hard to have firm dates with construction.
Thank you for all the great feedback on the building - it is coming along very well. If you did not have a chance to see the renovations, we are planning a community tour once construction is complete and our punch list has been addressed. I will keep you posted on that.
Planning ahead: Next Monday, September 24th is an Early Release for students with dismissal at 11:30 AM. Friday, September 28th is picture day!
I have had several inquiries about PowerSchool Re-registration. Although we thought the link was going to be sent out this week, PowerSchool has an issue on their side. As soon as this is rectified, an individualized link and access code will be sent out you. If you do have a change in address or phone number, please send in a note with your child's teacher so we can update the information we have on file. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful children with us every day!
Mrs. O'Brien, Principal
Be sure to check out the pictures from the week on the photo tab above!
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