September 23, 2018
Greetings Quashnet School Community,
Monday, September 24th is an Early Release Day for students. Dismissal is at 11:30 AM. If there are any changes to a regular dismissal plan for your child(ren), please be sure to send in a note with specific dismissal instructions.
On Monday, we will also have our first ALICE drill of the year. ALICE is an acronym for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. Teachers and students work together to make an action plan based on the information provided to them. ALICE drills help us to prepare in the event of an emergency situation. These drills are not meant to scare anyone, they can be compared to a fire drill, to keep everyone safe in an emergency. We appreciate the partnership with Mashpee PD and FD to help implement these safety drills. Not all drills will be announced, but the first fire drill and ALICE drill are shared so there are no surprises.
The late bus starts on Tuesday! After school clubs begin this week too. Confirmations were sent home last Friday indicating participation in clubs. Several clubs had to be broken down into sections- please check those confirmation slips and dates. Call the main office should you have any questions at all (508-539-1550).
Libraries Rock - gift card winners! |
to all students who participated in the Libraries Rock Summer Reading program. The two students who logged the most minutes from each grade level received a $25 gift card from the Mashpee Public Library - another GREAT community partner. Students who read every night have an academic advantage. Twenty minutes or more a night is a recommended amount. Contact your child's teacher, Mrs. Pons, the QS librarian, and/or visit the Mashpee Public Libary for great book suggestions. The following link will bring you to a list of Massachusetts Children Book Award-nominees, winners, and honor books: Books are arranged by grade level and are great recommendations- happy reading!
One more reminder. Can you believe we already have at least a dozen sweatshirts in the lost and found? The Lost and Found at Quashnet School is located in the cafeteria, and students are reminded regularly to check for their belongings during lunch. What is amazing is no one claims these items. With the cooler weather starting, the Lost and Found tends to grow exponentially! Clothing with a name written on the tag does get back to the owner. Help!
Wishing you all a productive week ahead.
Mrs. O'Brien, Principal
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