Saturday, September 16, 2023

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Quashnet Facebook

Take a moment and follow the Quashnet school on Facebook here:

September 17, 2023    

Dear Quashnet School Community,

Exciting activities are happening throughout the building as we continue to get into the routines of school for the 23-24 school year. This week Mrs. Lepore's homeroom made friendship bracelets with their favorite color beads to represent each member of their homeroom.

School Council - Parent Representatives Needed

As principal, I am starting a school council that will have three main responsibilities.

  1. Adopting educational goals for the school that are consistent with local educational policies and statewide student performance standards

  2. Identifying the educational needs of students attending the school

  3. Formulating a school improvement plan

I am seeking two parent representatives to take part in the council for the 23-24 school year. The council will meet once a month based on the availability of the team members. Hopefully, meetings can take place in the morning before school or in the evenings on Zoom to accommodate all members.

If we have more than two parents interested in being a representative, which I hope we do, we'll have a vote that I will send out on a Google form in the coming weeks. Only I will see the results of the vote.

If you are interested in being a parent representative on the Quashnet School Council, please email me directly at and let me know.

The Importance of Attending School

Attendance at Quashnet needs to improve. There is no other way to put it. This is a call to action for all parents to make every effort possible to get their child to school anytime they are not sick.

1. If your child does not have a fever or is visibly sick in some other way, please send them to school. If you'd like to have the school nurse evaluate them in the morning when they arrive at school please ask and she can support you.

2. Students who attend school on a regular basis demonstrate strong growth in their learning.

3. Students who miss more than 10% of school days at the current point in the school year are considered chronically absent in accordance with the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. This means that at the current point in the year, with us having had 11 days of school, your child should not have missed more than 1 day so far. If they have missed more than 1 day, they need to continue to come to school regularly to improve their attendance.

4. According to the state there is no difference between an excused absence and an unexcused absence. All absences are the same in their calculations. 

5. Please utilize the QS attendance line when your child is going to be absent, and provide a reason for the absence in your email. Simply stating that your child is missing school that day is not enough information. As a district, it is important for us to track the reasons students are missing school.

Last Call on CLUBS sign-ups for session 1!

We still have room in some clubs for session 1. Please sign your child up for clubs using this Google form (click here).

Our Staff Completed Puzzle

Try to figure out which pieces represent your teachers.

It’s GREAT to be in MASHPEE, 

A Connected Community.

Elijah Switzer
Quashnet School Principal

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