Monday, May 27, 2024

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Quashnet Facebook

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May 27, 2024 

Memorial Day

It is important to recognize Memorial Day today. On this day, we pay tribute to those who have selflessly dedicated their lives to ensure the safety and security of our country. I'd like to express our deepest gratitude on behalf of the Quashnet School to the brave individuals who have made the ultimate sacrifice, as well as to their families, whose unwavering support and resilience continue to inspire us.

Spring Concerts this Week

This week are spring concerts. All concerts are 6:00pm-7:00pm, and students have been working extremely hard to prepare for these performances. Grade 6 is on Tuesday, grade 5 is on Wednesday, and grade 4 is on Thursday. We hope to see many of you there!

Tribal School Step-Up Day

Next year we'll welcome students new to Quashnet, joining us from the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal School. These students will be coming to Quashnet this week, Tuesday, May 28, to visit with the school, participate in activities, and meet peers and teachers. We are looking forward to this event!

PTO Kickball Game

Friday evening, starting at 6:00pm is the QS vs. KCC PTO kickball game. All parents and staff are invited to play, and all families are invited to come watch the game and enjoy being outside. If you'd like to play, you can email me directly, at

No Place for Hate Activity #3
I am proud to report that Quashnet is on pace to receive the designation as a No Place for Hate school through the ADL with the completion of our third and final activity this year. On Monday, June 3rd, a half day, students will complete activities with homerooms and their partner classes of another grade level. The focus of activity #3 is for students to recognize how they can make an impact to make school a better place by respecting differences.

Field Day Revamped
Field day this year has been revamped to be an all-day celebration of the school year, to include all students and staff, complete with an opening ceremony, closing ceremony, and picnic lunch served outside.

Students will work with their homeroom classes to visit 22 stations throughout the day on a mission to accumulate as many points as they can at each station. One homeroom in each grade will be deemed the 2024 Field Day champion of their grade level. Examples of stations include Soccer Kick, Bowling Pin Knockdown, and Cornhole. 

The date of Field Day is June 5 (rain date, June 6). On this day, it is important that every student comes to school with a water bottle and wears comfortable athletic shoes. All students and staff are encouraged to wear blue and white and Mashpee Falcons gear.

Quashnet Theater Performances

I want to give a big congratulations to the Quashnet Theater Club and Ms. Annessi, for putting on four shows of Hamlet last week. The club had been working on the play and rehearsing for 16 weeks. KCC students in grades 1 & 2 came to watch the play for the first time.

Playground Construction

I want to inform you all about the upcoming construction of the big playground here at Quashnet starting this weekend. The project experienced some delays and we've been waiting for the contractor to be available. The contractor we've been waiting on recently informed us that they will be able to start this weekend. The updates to the playground will include adding new equipment for students and updating the ground surface under the Gaga Pit and the swings. In collaboration with the Mashpee DPW, we explored the possibility of delaying the project until school gets out in June, but unfortunately, this is not feasible. While the end result will greatly benefit the students, it will create short-term inconveniences for recess.

Starting Tuesday, instead of using the big playground, we will utilize the area in front of the building with the labyrinth, and the Gaga Pit will be moved to the grass. Our hope is that the construction will last only a short time, but we will need to remain flexible. We spoke to the students Friday at lunch about the plan and expectations.

Koi Pond Restoration Project

I want to say thank you to students CJ, Tori, Josh, and parent, Mr. Lucier for their assistance in restoring the Koi Pond in our courtyard. This project was supported by our school counselors, through a grant. The Koi Pond can be a place of learning in the future for students. 

Boys and Girls Club Closes June 5!
B&G closes June 5, 2024. If you utilize B&G for before and/or after-school plans, please make sure you have plans in place for your child following the closing of B&G both to get to school and for dismissal. B&G being closed is not an excuse for your child to be absent from school.

    Upcoming Dates 

    With so many events in the last few weeks of school please check this list to see what applies to your child.

  • May 28th- Grade 6 Music Ensemble Concert @ 6

  • May 29th- Grade 5 Music Ensemble Concert @ 6

  • May 29th- All Grade 3 FT to Buttonwood Park Zoo

  • May 30th- Grade 4 Music Ensemble Concert @ 6

  • May 30th- Grade 5 SeaPerch FT- rotating schedule all-day

  • May 31st- Walk of Honor Class of 2024

  • May 31- QS/KCC PTO Kickball Game

  • June 1st- Graduation/ Class of 24

  • June 3rd- Early Release/ NPFH #3

  • June 4th- Grade Six Whale Watch FT- Full Day

  • June 5th- Full Day Field Day (June 6th Rain Date)

  • June 6th & 7th- Grade 6 Music Ensemble to MMHS- Alex Torres Band

  • June 7th- Grade 5 vs. Grade 6 Soccer Match @ 2:30

  • June 7th- Student Council/ NEHS All Night Event

  • June 10th- All Grade Four to CCMNH- All Day

  • June 11th- Grade 6 to MMHS- More information to follow

  • June 12th- Grade 3 Awards 10-11 AM/ Grade 5 Awards 2-3 PM

  • June 13th- Term 3 Ends/ Grade 4 Awards 10-11 AM/ Grade 6 Awards 2-3 PM

  • June 14th- Early Release Day/ Last Day of SY 23-24

It’s GREAT to be in MASHPEE, 

A Connected Community.

Elijah Switzer
Quashnet School Principal

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