Sunday, August 29, 2021


August 29, 2021 

Dear Quashnet School Community, 

Here we go! The start of school year 2021-2022 is just around the corner. The first day for teachers is Monday, August 30 and students arrive on Wednesday, September 1, 2021.  

Our school looks FANTASTIC and we can't wait to welcome back our returning scholars and get to know our new students!  

In case you haven't heard, we will be starting the year with masks.  Each student and adult will need to be masked within the school. Recess is currently mask-free. Packing an extra mask for your child is advised. THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your cooperation with this regulation. Mask breaks will be planned by the teachers.  Students should bring a healthy snack each day. Lunch is free to all students! The bus route link can be found on the tab above. 

Water bottles are needed - each student should bring one with their name on it.  The classrooms are warm and water fountains are not available.  Water bottle filling stations will be able to be used by all during the day.  


At this point, all students should know their teacher's name.  

Grade 3 students should have their lanyard ready to go and be sure to wear it on the first day and until advised not to.  All Grade 3 teachers will be outside at the bus drop-off area holding a sign with their name on it.  If a student is dropped off by a parent or guardian they will be escorted to their teacher.  If it is raining Grade 3 teachers will be in the cafeteria. 

Grade 4 students need to report to the cafeteria where they will meet their teachers. Your teacher will be holding a sign with their name on it so you can find them easily.  

Grade 5 students and Grade 6 students will meet their teachers in the gym.  Be sure to look for your teacher who will be holding a sign with their name on it.  

We will have all hands on deck to help students find their homeroom teacher.  Once the class is all accounted for, the teacher will escort the class to their homeroom.  

If for any reason your child will not be in school, there are several ways to notify the school.  

1. Send an email to - include your child's name, grade, teacher, and reason for absence. 

2. Call the Quashnet School main office at 508-539-1550.

3. Call Nurse Terri at 508-539-1550 x4155.

The earlier you send an email or call in an absence the better, but please do it before the start of the school day at 9:05 AM.  

We have received several calls and inquiries about the school hours.  At Quashnet School, our doors open at 8:50 AM and class begins at 9:05 AM.  If you are dropping your child off at school, please be here before 9:00 AM.  Arrivals after 9:05 AM will be considered tardy. 

Quashnet School dismissal is at 3:35 PM.  Students need to know in advance where they are going at the end of the day.  Please communicate with your child's homeroom teacher the expected dismissal plan.  

Any changes in dismissal can be shared through providing you send an email BEFORE 2:00 PM.  After 2:00 PM, please call the main office directly at 508-539-1550.  

Other First-day Reminders

😷If your child has an inhaler, takes medication, has a medical condition or specific needs, PLEASE be sure to connect with Nurse Terri before the first day of school on September 1. Nurse Terri will be in the building Monday afternoon.  You can also email her at or call at 508-539-1550 x4155. 

😊Last year, two of our long-time administrative assistants retired.  Mrs. Pagano and Mrs. Emery will be missed at Quashnet School, but I am so happy to share that Mrs. Ryder and Mrs. Milde along with Mrs. MacIntire will be handling all the front office needs.  They are knowledgeable, skilled, kind, efficient, and here to help.  If you call the school, please be sure to introduce yourself to this wonderful team. They also manage email at 

😊Bus riders will again see Mr. Kapulka outside at bus drop-off and pickup.  I will be on the front walkway greeting our drop-off students and for parent pickup. 

👍PLEASE do not get out of your cars if you are dropping your child off in the morning or picking up in the afternoon.  Students should be ready to get out of the car along the entire front walkway of the school, even if it is down by the Superintendent's Office.  This will help the line move smoothly and quickly.  

😎Within the first few days, we will provide placards to families who will be driving their children.  The placard should be placed on the front right-hand side of the car windshield during parent/guardian pickup. Families will be given two placards to distribute as they see fit. 

Please join us on Thursday, September 9, for the Quashnet School Open House.  Our plan to reduce the number of people in one space we asking parents/guardians whose last name begins with A-L to arrive at school at 6:00 PM and M-Z at 6:45 PM. Both groups will begin in the gym with a brief community meeting and welcome (all bleachers will be available), and then you will head to classrooms. If there is a change in this format we will notify families ASAP.  As we continue to navigate COVID-19, we do need to be flexible for the health and safety of our staff and students. 

During Open House, you are encouraged to visit with all of your child(ren)'s teachers. Homeroom teachers, special subject teachers, and Special Education teachers, and counselors will all be available. Open House at Quashnet School is intended for parents/guardians.

We have some exciting new opportunities for students in Grades 4-6 this year.  One day per week for 45 minutes, students will be participating in an integrated arts block. Students will be assigned a rotating schedule to participate in 
and Extra Art class, Coding class, Health/PE OR they may choose to participate in Band or Strings.  

Families who are interested in their child learning to play an instrument will have an opportunity to do this during both the integrated arts block and through lessons that will be provided during a general music class.  No longer will students need to miss a recess or need to stay after school to be in the Band or Strings Ensemble. 

A survey to parents in Grade 4-6 will be sent out this week with specific details on the music program with the ability to select the music option for their child.  Although there is a fee to rent or buy an instrument, no student will be denied participation for financial reasons. 

Afterschool clubs will be finalized within the first several weeks of school. Stay tuned for information over the next few weeks. 

A reminder from the PTO

KC Coombs and Quashnet School PTO's are excited to host the sixth annual Welcome Back to School Barbecue this fall! This event is being offered free of charge to all staff and families of both schools. With generous donations from sponsors, we can help defray costs of entertainment, Dunk Tanks, arts and crafts, and food. This great event, which in the past brought together about 1000 people, was not able to happen last year due to COVID-19. We are so excited to welcome everyone back this year. We anticipate our number of attendees will be similar to past years. This year’s event will be held: Friday, September 17th (rain date 24th) 5-7 PM. At the Quashnet School and K.C. Coombs Fields.

We are looking forward to a fun and exciting event! We hope that you will aid our efforts to support this night for staff and students and their families at our wonderful schools. This is a great way for your business to reach this large number of community members!  Being a sponsor will advertise your business as a community supporter!  Sponsorship Amount $100. Please contact the following if interested:   Name: Rachel Coscia or Amber Smith  
We will need to have all sponsorships by Sept 3rd in order for us to include your business information on your sponsorship sign.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and support of the Kenneth C. Coombs School and Quashnet School P.T.O.!

Wishing you all a wonderful first day of school! 

With gratitude, 

Principal O'Brien   

Summer harvest from the 

Quashnet School garden! 

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