Sunday, August 22, 2021

August 22, 2021 

Dear Quashnet School Community, 

Every new school year brings new opportunities and adventures.  It is with a TEAM spirit we all achieve more. Staff, students, parents, and community partners working together will support student growth exponentially.  I look forward to a great year of new beginnings, meeting opportunities and challenges together while investing in our greatest resource, our children.  Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! 

I hope everyone has had a fun-filled and safe summer. Teachers and staff are  working hard at Quashnet to get ready to welcome our wonderful Quashnet  scholars back to school on Wednesday, September 1, 2021.  Yes, we do start before Labor Day this year. Students are in school for Wednesday and Thursday, and then off for Friday, September 3, and the Monday holiday on September 6.

Student placement letters were mailed to families on Thursday, August 12.  If you did not receive a placement letter for your child, please call the Quashnet School office at 508-539-1550 or stop in and we will verify your address and share your child's homeroom teacher.  We are here to help.  

As we begin the new year, please be sure to connect with Nurse Terri for any changes in your child's health needs.  Recent physicals, medication, immunization forms, etc. can be dropped off and/or forms can be faxed to 508-539-1556.  

It is scavenger hunt time at Quashnet School! Third graders are invited to participate in a class scavenger hunt this week! Students will visit classrooms and learn about their new school. They may even find some cool prizes! The schedule by homeroom is: 

Monday, August 23 @ 9:30 AM  - Ms. Manning

Monday, August 23 @10:30 AM - Mrs. Porter 

Tuesday, August 24 @ 9:30 AM - Mrs. Schreiner 

                                      Tuesday,  August 24 @ 10:30 AM - Mr. Souza 

                                      Tuesday, August 24 @ 11:30 AM - Mrs. Stickley 

**Please note - there is construction blocking the front entrance of Quashnet School - please come to the front door of the gym which is labeled door #2.  We will be waiting for you!

Summer at Quashnet School always brings special projects. This summer, DPW has coordinated two big improvements in our school. 

We are very excited to have air conditioning units installed in the Quashnet library. It should be complete this coming week, just in time for the start of school!  

The second project is focused outside near the front entrance. Our former single flag pole was removed, and three new flag poles will be installed with lighting - one for the American flag, the Massachuestts flag, and the Wampanoag flag. 

As you can see in the picture, damaged concrete was removed near the front door which will be replaced. Grass will be planted in the semi-circle to match the other side of the front walkway. Work is expected to be complete this week. Thank you to the Town of Mashpee for supporting these upgrades.   

Please join us on Thursday, September 9, for the Quashnet School Open House.  To reduce the number of people in one space we asking parents/guardians whose last name begins with A-L to arrive at school at 6:00 PM and M-Z at 6:45 PM. Both groups will begin in the gym with a brief community meeting and welcome, and then you will head to  classrooms. During Open House, you are encouraged to visit with all of your child(ren)'s teachers. Homeroom teachers, special subject teachers, and Special Education teachers will all be available. Open House at Quashnet School is intended for parents/guardians. 

COVID-19 and What Will the School Year Look Like? 
One thing we have learned over the last two years is not to assume.  We need to be open-minded and flexible as conditions change. Please know, that all decisions are made with student and staff health and safety as the utmost priority. 

On Friday, August 20, Superintendent DeBoer shared MPS Update 8/20/21, which includes multiple links including the two linked here:  FAQ as of 8/20/21 and What Will School Be Like?.  I encourage you to read this information.  If you have additional questions, I am happy to help.
Mashpee students are provided with school supplies. They do not need crayons, markers, planners, or folders for example.  The few items that all students do need are: 

1. Backpack - We have brand new backpacks that have been donated by our community partners.  Please call or stop in if you are in need. 
2. Waterbottle - labeled with your child's name and grade 
3. Masks 
4. Lunchbox - lunch will continue to be free for all students, but a lunchbox helps transport a small and healthy daily snack or a homemade lunch.

*Grade 3 students should wear their school-supplied lanyard for the first several weeks. 

**Grade 6 students will be assigned a school-supplied Chromebook over the first few days of school. This Chromebook must be in school and CHARGED every day. 

A message from the PTO

KC Coombs and Quashnet School PTO's are excited to host the sixth annual Welcome Back to School Barbecue this fall! This event is being offered free of charge to all staff and families of both schools. With generous donations from sponsors, we can help defray costs of entertainment, Dunk Tanks, arts and crafts, and food. This great event, which in the past brought together about 1000 people, was not able to happen last year due to COVID-19. We are so excited to welcome everyone back this year. We anticipate our number of attendees will be similar to past years. This year’s event will be held: Friday, September 17th (rain date 24th) 5-7 PM. At the Quashnet School and K.C. Coombs Fields.

We are looking forward to a fun and exciting event! We hope that you will aid our efforts to support this night for staff and students and their families at our wonderful schools. This is a great way for your business to reach this large number of community members!  Being a sponsor will advertise your business as a community supporter!  Sponsorship Amount $100. Please contact the following if interested:   Name: Rachel Coscia or Amber Smith  
We will need to have all sponsorships by Sept 3rd in order for us to include your business information on your sponsorship sign.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and support of the Kenneth C. Coombs School and Quashnet School P.T.O.!

The Quashnet Blog will be updated every Sunday through the school year with the exception of school vacation weeks. Hopefully, this is helpful to you. If there is information that you are looking for and it is not included, PLEASE feel free to reach out.  My email is Quashnet School Assistant Principal, Mr. Kapulka, can be reached at or call 508-539-1550.

Coming soon:  Information on afterschool offerings, band, strings, and chorus - they are coming back! Details coming soon. 

Wishing you all a fabulous last full week of summer!      

With gratitude,  

Principal O'Brien 

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