Sunday, January 24, 2021

January 24, 2021 

Dear Quashnet School Community, 

Monday, January 25, 2021, is No Naming Calling Day in Massachusetts.  No Naming Calling Day was signed into law back in 2012 by Governor Deval Patrick.  Did you know this bill originated right here at Quashnet School?  That's right, with Quashnet K-Kids! It is a pretty special legacy. The purpose was to draw awareness on how hurtful and damaging name-calling can be. The big idea...make EVERY DAY a NO NAME CALLING Day.  It can start with each of us - make this world a better place together!  


To celebrate KINDNESS I am excited to announce that we will be hosting a Virtual Assembly by Think Kindness with one of the nation’s top youth speakers, Brian Williams.

Assemblies are scheduled for Tuesday, January 26th:  

Grade 3&4 at 10:15 AM 

Grade 5 &6 at 2:00 PM 

"Be brave, be kind, let's change the world!"  Brian Williams.

Click the link for 

Parent Resources 

to celebrate and practice kindness at home and school! 

Teachers will have the zoom link posted on their playlists for both in-school and our remote learners.  Parents/guardians and siblings are encouraged to participate! 

Check out the pictures on the photo tab above...who are those Kindness Ninjas leaving messages around our school?  

It's COOL to be KIND!

Every day Quashnet K-Kids work to be kind and do good deeds for others. They will be collecting bingo cards with acts of kindness. K-Kids will be sharing more about this during morning announcements for students. Bingo cards will go home on Monday and they are virtual for at-home students. K-Kids are asking that students perform random acts of kindness to get a "bingo." Cards can be turned in and collected from homeroom teachers next Friday. K-Kids will have prizes for all Quashnet students who turned in a kindness bingo.

Thank you, Ms. Manning and the K-Kids, for their KINDNESS leadership!

Being COVID safe is another way of being kind to each
other!  We wear masks to protect others and ourselves.  Keeping our hands clean and maintaining social distance will keep us safe.  For those of you who have been quarantined, this can be frustrating, but we need to do that for others.  We are fortunate to have Nurse Stacey and Nurse Terri whose kindness is focused on health and safety for all. 

Quashnet teachers have been organizing learning materials for remote students to be picked up by parents/guardians every Friday between 1:30 and 2:30 PM.  Teachers are notifying families when there is learning material for their child(ren). Please make every effort to pick-up this material.  It is needed for remote students to fully participate in learning expectations. If you are unable to make the pick-up time, please call the office at 508-539-1550 to arrange an alternative time to collect the material. Reach out to your child(ren)'s teacher directly if you are unsure if there is something for your child to be picked up.  This pick-up time was coordinated at the same time as remote lunch pick-up and Cape Kid Meals distribution.  Hopefully, that helps families.    

Families, the Blog is to keep you up-to-date with events and information about Quashnet School.  If there is something you are wondering about or specific information you are looking for, please let me know at  This should be a helpful resource to you. Your feedback is important.  

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead.  
Stay healthy and well, 

Principal O'Brien 



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