December 6, 2020
Dear Quashnet School Community,
Welcome to the Quashnet School gingerbread office! Thank you, Mrs. MacIntire and Mrs. Brown for bringing the holiday spirit to Quashnet School. There is still time to drop off your gingerbread structure to the #WeAreMashpee store to add to the display at Mashpee Commons.
We are well underway with our Quashnet for Change campaign to collect loose change. Please help us meet our goal of $1,000 to help support our Falcon Family Fund. Yes, all funds raised will stay right here in Mashpee this year! There is a collection jar in each homeroom classroom, in the main office, and at the #WeAreMashpee store. We appreciate the support for this great cause!
We have had the honor and privilege of hearing from several veterans who were
recipients of student-made Veterans Day cards. This picture is a thank you that comes to us from Qatar and is part of this particular unit's proud display. Sixth-graders were able to zoom with Mr. Williams who was so appreciative of the remembrance. The positive impact everyone can have on others with a kind word, a picture, sending a greeting, or a thank you is remarkable. Our children are making a difference for others while building skills. It's a win-win!
Term 1 is coming to a close. Grades close for students on Wednesday, December 15th, and report cards will be sent home electronically on Monday, December 21. I am reposting changes to the report here in case you missed it-
Report cards are coming!
Report cards are scheduled to be sent home electronically on Monday, December 21, 2020. Students are assessed regularly based on state learning standards. Parents/guardians are informed of their child's progress accordingly:
(4) Exceeding the grade-level expectations
(3) Meeting the grade level expectation
(2) Partially Meeting the grade-level standards
(1) Not yet meeting the grade-level standard.
*(X) Not assessed this term
**(I) Insufficient Work Submitted
*Not all standards are taught in each term, those standards will be left blank or there will be an X indicating that.
**There will be a new designation this year in addition to the number scale. You may see an "I" next to a standard. "I" indicates Insufficient Work Submitted. In order to assess the student's acquisition of a standard, it is imperative that assignments are turned in and the student actively participates in remote/in-person learning. Active participation in school is critical.
Attendance is taken every day whether a student is an in-person or a remote learner. Present In-person and Remote Present will be calculated as a combined total of days present. Absent and Remote Absent will also appear as a combined total on the report card.
In prior years, students earned a grade from all 6 special subject teachers on each trimester report card. Currently, you will only see a final grade for your child's first quinmester special, which represents the first 34 days of school. Although we are in the second quinmester for specials, students have not earned a final grade yet. Grading for the current special will show up on the second tri-mester report card.
Quinmesters, trimesters, standard-based, 4, 3, 2, 1, I, attendance, oh boy! If you have any questions please always feel free to reach out to your child's teacher for clarification. Both Assistant Principal Kapulka and I are also available to always help and answer questions!
FYI - On Friday, letters were sent out to parents/guardians of any student who accrued 5 or more days of absences through December 4. The intent is to keep you informed of your child's school attendance record. As you are aware, school attendance is vitally important in the academic success of students and we are here to partner with you. If you have any questions regarding attendance please call Assistant Principal Kapulka or me at 508-539-1550 or email at or
You may have noticed that all student supplies are going home every night. Please be sure that all supplies come back to school each school day. Chromebooks need to come to school fully charged for our Grade 4- 6 students so they are ready to work. Being ready - a Falcon Five trait!
To lighten the load for students, don't forget that school lunches are free this year to all students. We are so lucky to have Mr. Gus and his team preparing nutritious and delicious bag lunches each day. Most days include hot items, not just sandwiches.
We do realize school is different this year. Class sizes are smaller, there are different schedules, masks are mandatory, but some things remain the same. Be sure to look at the photos that are posted on the tab above. This week you will see Mrs. Schreiner's students creating whale models to scale. Mrs. McKay's fourth-graders are learning about plate tectonics with graham crackers and creating their own Edward Tulane models from a Kate DiCamillo book. Check out the art class painting lesson. School is different, but it is wonderful to see so many happy and engaged students every day!
It will be great to welcome back the Mashpee cohort on Monday, 12/7, following the holiday break. A reminder that Wednesday, December 9, is PICTURE RETAKE DAY for any Grade 3 students, Mashpee cohort students, or 100% remote students. Any 100% remote students should call Mrs. MacIntire (508)539-1550 on Monday or Tuesday to schedule a time for the retake.
The deadline for flu shots is quickly approaching. Per the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, ALL students, in-person or 100% remote, MUST provide verification of a flu shot to the school nurse BY DECEMBER 31, 2020. Please contact Nurse Terri with any questions at 508-539-1555 or by email at
They surpassed their goal!! Skyla Rimple, Katrina Mayen, and Andrew Kelly, the Mashpee Project 351 Team, organized a fundraiser to support the Quashnet/KCC Cape Kid Meals program.
"We are very excited for the second year of the Ride For Hunger! Last year, we were able to raise $1,050 to sponsor weekend meals for 7 kids. We would like to raise at least that amount again! The Ride for Hunger is a 45-minute spin class at the BSPOKE Cape House in the Mashpee Commons. This ride will take place on Sunday, December 6th at 12:00 pm. All proceeds will go to the Quashnet Cares Food Assistance Program. Although the ride will be indoors, all COVID protocols will be followed. Please help us to fill the ever-growing need of hunger in our community!
-Andrew Kelly, Skyla Rimple, and Katrina Mayen, Mashpee Project 351 Team"
The final total came in at $1,200 which will support 8 students with weekend/vacation meals throughout the school year. WE ARE SO PROUD OF THESE QUASHNET SCHOOL ALUMNI and current MMHS STUDENTS!
Have a wonderful week ahead everyone.
Stay safe and stay well!
Principal O'Brien
QS students working to help others.
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