Sunday, December 20, 2020


December 20, 2020 

Dear Quashnet School Community, 

This is a short week - school is in session Monday through Wednesday.  This is a Mashpee cohort and Grade 3 in-person week.

Winter break begins on Thursday, 12/24/20.  Classes will resume for students on Monday, January 4, 2021.  It will be a Falcon cohort in-person week along with all Grade 3 students. 

FYI -the next QS Blog post will be Sunday, January 10, 2021.  

I do hope everyone has a safe, healthy, and wonderful holiday season. As with our Thanksgiving break, please remember the state travel and gathering guidelines.  If you are traveling at all, please be sure to review the latest information as the guidelines change frequently. Click the link here for updated information on travel: MPS Family Travel Letter  If you are traveling over break, please call or email so we are aware that your child will be quarantining in January or has had a current negative COVID-19 test before returning to school on January 4. Thank you for your support with this.  

DECEMBER 31, 2020 is the deadline for all Massachusetts public school students to have received the flu shot.  Please send in the verification of your child's immunization asap to Nurse Terri at  The school fax# is 508-539-1556 if that is preferred by the pediatrician or pharmacy.  

Without a doubt, December is the month of gratitude.

The generosity of our community is heartwarming~

Thank you to Govoni Forestry for the generous donation of bark mulch for the Quashnet garden.  There are great pictures on the photo tab of students tending the garden and putting it to bed for the winter. 

Thank you Heidi Trottier of Mr. T's Auto and the Hakala family for sponsoring the Mitten Drive.  This week Quashnet and KCC received an incredibly generous box filled with gift cards to share with our families in need.  

Deputy Shawn Cahill from the Barnstable County Sheriff's Office arrived on Thursday with 7 Christmas trees from R.B. Our Co. - thank you Deputy Cahill for this annual holiday support.

Stop & Shop has graciously committed to supporting the MPS Cape Kid Meals program with fresh fruit each week for participating students.  They also generously donated fresh hams for CKM families. 

Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Indian Education program delivered stockings to participating students filled with great activities and a beautifully illustrated book in Wopanaak with English translation to enjoy over break.

Thank you, students and all who donated to the Quashnet for Change fundraiser.  Our goal was to raise $1,000 for the Falcon Family Fund.  As of Tuesday, 12/15, we had collected over $1,200. The fundraiser concluded on Friday, 12/18 - I will be sure to share the final total.  

Quashnet School K-Kids sent hundreds of holiday notes to nursing homes to brighten someone else's day. They are Falcon Five Leaders for sure! 

Mashpee Kiwanis, Dinos, Andy's Markets, Masonic Angels, Cape Cod Church, Quashnet staff, MPS central office staff, Quashnet families, community members, and anonymous donors generously support our Quashnet Community and MPS families. 


Even with this short week and the holidays coming up, please remember the next three days are academic school days.  Teachers have planned important lessons and often assessments before the holiday break. Every student needs to be in-person if they are a Grade 3 student or in the Mashpee cohort. Falcon cohort and 100% remote students should be logging on to Zoom for your synchronous learning time.  If a student is absent, please notify 

Term 1 report cards will be shared with parents/guardians on Monday, December 21.  Report cards will be sent electronically - no paper copies will be sent home unless requested by a parent/guardian. See the report tab above for information on the grading scale. To request a paper copy of your child's report card, please email  

CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Alyce Shadan on her retirement at the end of this month. 

Mrs. Shadan has been a valued member of the MPS family for over 30 years.  As a Special Education teacher, she taught in the Quashnet River School, Quashnet Valley School, Kenneth C. Coombs School, and currently she is a highly skilled and dedicated Grade 3 Special Education teacher at Quashnet School.  Mrs. Shadan supported students in grades K-6 during her tenure.  

She will be missed. We all wish her good health and happiness in her retirement! 

My holiday wish for everyone is to find TIME.

The greatest gift one can ever give another person is the gift of their time and attention! It always fits, it doesn't need batteries, and it NEVER goes out of style!   

I hope everyone has time to unplug over the break and spend quality time with your family. Cooking together is a great way to reinforce math with units of capacity, building a birdhouse or a special project is a meaningful way to apply linear measurements, read a book and predict outcomes - it builds comprehension and vocabulary skills.  A book can take you anywhere!  Board games build so many social and conversational skills. Get outside for a hike or nature walk. Can you find any tracks in the snow? Take time and enjoy each other! 

With gratitude, 

Principal O'Brien 


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