October 18, 2020
Dear Quashnet School Community,
How fast the seasons change! The first photo was taken on October 5th and the second on October 16th. In just 11 days, how this tree has changed!
It reminds me to slow down and notice what is around us while appreciating that change is a natural opportunity for growth.
For the last two weeks, I have shared the link for parent-teacher conferences. Please be sure to schedule your conference as soon as possible. The first date for conferences is this Thursday, October 22nd, and then again on Tuesday, October 27th. Please schedule your conference with your child(ren)'s homeroom teacher for core academic discussions. Each special subject teacher, special education teacher, therapists, and counselors also are available for a conference. Just follow this link to book your appointment: https://www.myconferencetime.com/mashpee.
Thursday, October 22, and Tuesday, October 27, are both EARLY RELEASE Days for students with a 12:30 PM dismissal. If you are planning any change in dismissal plans for your child, please send an email to qsattendance@mpspk12.org with explicit dismissal instructions. Thank you for your help and cooperation with this process.
Thank you to the families who participated in the Q&A session last Wednesday. There were many great questions from schedules to health-related questions. One question had to do with FLU SHOTS for students. Yes, ALL students in-person, hybrid, and 100% remote must have a flu shot this year by December 31, 2020. Please provide documentation to Nurse Terri indicating that your child was immunized. This is a Massachusetts regulation that we must adhere to.
The following link, https://youtu.be/7qEpMQrXMSk, will bring you to the recorded discussion if you were unable to attend.
A reminder that this Wednesday, October 21, 2020, is PICTURE DAY for the Mashpee cohort and for the following Grade 3 classes, Mrs. Broderick, Mrs. Stickley, Ms. Manning, and Ms. B. Keohane.
Six Flags Update: If your child participated in the Six Flags Read to Succeed program last year, we have good news! The free ticket that your child earned shows it is valid for the 2020 season, but Six Flags has generously extended this time period and will honor the ticket through the 2021 season. The free tickets were distributed to students who participated in the program along with awards last June.
The Quashnet School Council is looking for volunteers. Do you have an hour or two per month available to problem-solve and proactively work to support our students and staff? The School Council includes parents/guardians, teachers, and community member representative(s). If you are interested in participating or have questions, please send an email to mobrien@mpspk12.org.
Thank you. :-)
Attendance matters! If your child is 100% remote or on a remote week in their hybrid schedule, attendance is taken and recorded in PowerSchool and becomes a part of your child's record - just as we do for those in-person learners. Monday through Friday are school days!
It is important to stay connected, follow the school day, and teachers' schedules. Visit the MPS Remote and Hybrid Learning Hub at https://sites.google.com/mpspk12.org/mpsblendedlearning/home. Click on Quashnet School and then your child's teacher's landing page. You will find an abundance of resources, the daily schedule, and daily learning plans.
Have a great week everyone - and be sure to book your parent/teacher conference!
Principal O'Brien
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