Sunday, September 20, 2020

September 20, 2020 

Dear Quashnet School Community, 

The last six months have been unprecedented. We have had to handle obstacles in school before, but not a pandemic and certainly not a school closure and never a hybrid learning model. Masks were never allowed in school and now we require them.  The world is a different place, but there are so many things that are wonderful. Welcoming students back to school has been amazing! To see the smiles, laughs, learning, and conversation has been so rewarding.  Although we all are feeling the stress of traffic at arrival and dismissal, it is already getting better after three days and your patience and understanding are SO appreciated.  I am incredibly grateful for your support and for the support of our team as we continue to learn and adjust together.  

Be sure to check out the pictures from the week on the 2020-2021 photo tab

above. There are pictures inside of our school with floor markings and hand sanitizers installed on the walls in the foyer. Lunch has been interesting and certainly not as loud with only two students to a bench. Students and staff are adjusting to the new normal.  I am so impressed by how well everyone is doing wearing their face masks and using hand sanitizer regularly. From my perspective, the hardest challenge so far seems to be walking in a line while maintaining a 6-foot distance, but we are getting there! 

A couple of reminders:  

If you haven't called Nurse Terri yet regarding medication or specific health needs for your child, please do so as soon as possible.  She can be reached at 508-539-1550 x4155 or at 

Do you still have school library books at home from last March?  If so, please send them in to school with your child. Mrs. Pons is collecting them from students, quarantining them, and then they will be added back into the school library collection.  By the last count, Mrs. Pons was looking for approximately 300 books.  It is also important to know, if our third graders have any books from KCC, you can return them to Quashnet and we will be sure to get them back to Mrs. Smith.  The same goes for MMHS - the school librarians are all working together. 

Placards were distributed last week to students who are picked-up daily.  Please be sure to place the placard in your front passenger window when you are picking up your child(ren). It will help to expedite the process. Thank you for pulling up ALL the way to the end of the sidewalk near the sign. It allows for the greatest number of students to be dismissed at once, and again, to help us move the line faster. Any change in dismissal plans should be emailed to   

It is very important for our remote learners to remember Zoom etiquette.  The Falcon Five applies whether on Zoom or at school. Please know, that teachers will use classroom management strategies to provide the best learning environment for all students during instruction. All students are expected to Be Safe, Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Ready, and always Be Caring. 

TECHNOLOGY - Grades 4-6 Mashpee Cohort students are in school this week and need to bring their school-issued Chromebooks to school every day this week CHARGED and ready to use. There are no extra Chromebooks available for students to keep one at home and have one in school. If Grade 3 students still have a loaner device at home, please return it to school with the charger. Thank you for your help with this. 

It is time to register your Stop and Shop card for the A+ Rewards program to benefit Quashnet School. It is our one big fundraiser for the year. It is simple and easy - just use your card at Stop and Shop and they send us a check in the spring based on sales of A+ items. Follow this link:  

Tuesday, September 22, 2020, is the first day of fall, and it sure feels it this weekend!  

As the temperature drops, please be sure your child is prepared for the weather.  In the past, our classrooms were on the warmer side, but not so anymore.  

One adjustment to our HVAC units this year is to increase the amount of fresh air coming in through the vents.  We also have windows open to allow for increased airflow.  

A sweatshirt or fleece is definitely recommended. #WeAreMashpee store in the Commons has Falcon Wear and Quashnet clothing from the PTO. 

For our remote FALCON cohort students this week, be sure to sign on each day and follow your teachers' instructions.  There is a link to the MPS Remote and Hybrid Learning Hub right on the District's website, Daily attendance will be collected for both our in-person and remote learners. There is a link for tech support right in the Learning Hub should you need it.  

I wish you all a productive week ahead.  
Stay well, 

Principal O'Brien 

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