Sunday, September 13, 2020

September 13, 2020 

Dear Quashnet School Community, 

We Are Almost There!  I hope you all received and watched Superintendent DeBoer's very informative video for the start of the year.  In case you missed it, the link is HERE. Please take the time to watch this video with your child(ren) as well. It will answer many questions. Below I have highlighted important Quashnet School details.   

First Day of School:  Wednesday, September 16, 2020.  

Grade 3 students are in-person, Grade 4-6 Falcon cohort students are in-person, Grades 4-6 Mashpee cohort students attend school remotely, and 100% remote students also attend remotely.  EVERY Quashnet School student will be engaged in learning on Wednesday, 9/16/20. 

Quashnet School Hours:  

Doors open at 8:50 AM 

Class begins 9:05 AM 

School Dismissal is 3:35 PM 

*Parent drop-off is in the front of the building.  No student should be out of the car until you see a staff member. Drop-off is LIVE, please do not park or turn off your vehicle.  Students should be prepared to quickly get out of the car and head to class. They need to exit the car along the entire front walkway. For everyone's safety, this is single lane traffic, no passing, please. 

GRADES 3&4 students who are dropped off will enter the building through the front door (door #1).  

GRADES 5&6 students who are dropped off will enter the building through the front music room doors (door #14) located off of the front walkway into school.  

BUS drop-off is in the back of the building.  

Grade 6 bus riders will enter the building through the cafeteria doors (Door #8). 

Grade 3 bus riders will enter the building through Door #9. 

Grades 4 & 5 bus riders will enter the building through  Door #10. 

**Staff will be readily available to assist students and help them find their way. 


No more long lines to sign-out your child! Dismissal will be live - just pull up along the front walkway and we will have your child sent out of school to the car. You will be provided with a sign with your child(ren)'s name on it. It should be placed on your dashboard or hold it up so we can read it. Students will be socially distanced while waiting for the parent to pick up.  We will record the dismissal and you will no longer need to sign out your child. Just like at drop-off in the morning, there will be some growing pains with this, but please be patient and we will get very proficient at this process. Thank you for your understanding and support.   

Connecting With Your Teacher:  

Students need to check their school email before Wednesday, 9/16/20. Student emails are -  Teachers will be sending information to students on how to connect to his/her class remotely. 

How Will My Child Find Their Class on the First Day of School? 

ALL Quashnet School staff members will be available to assist students for the first several days of school. Teachers will be waiting in their doorways to welcome students and direct other students to their classrooms.  We will also have signage up around the building so students will know where to go.  Students should know their classroom teacher's name.  This will help us best help everyone.    

During the building tours, Grade 3 students were given a lanyard with their name on it. The lanyards are color-coded to match their teacher's lanyard. Grade 3 students should wear this for the first few weeks of school. If your child is an in-person learner and did not attend a tour, you will be able to pick it up at school on Tuesday, September 15 from 9:30-11:30 AM, 12:00-3:00 PM, or from 4:30-5:30 PM. 

Where and when do I pick up school materials for my remote learning, my Mashpee cohort student, or Grade 3 lanyard?  

Pick-up date:  TUESDAY, September 15, 2020

Pick-up times:   9:30-11:30 AM,  12:00-3:00 PM, or 4:30-5:30 PM 

Where:  Please drive behind the Quashnet School and look for door #8. It is directly across from the playground and it is the door to the cafeteria.  Quashnet School staff members will be there to bring your child's materials out to you.  Please do not park, just pull up, and provide your child's name and grade to the staff member and they will get just what you need. 

What does my child need to bring to school with them on day 1? 

1. Backpack 

2. Water bottle 

3. Beach towel 

4. Two face masks (gaiters and bandanas are NOT approved face coverings) 

How do I return the school Chromebook I have at home? 

Grade 4-6 students, should bring their Chromebook to school CHARGED and ready for use. Students in Grades 4-6 will be bringing their device to and from school daily. Please respond to the GOOGLE FORM for TECHNOLOGY that was sent out to families by the superintendent no later than Monday, September 14. I have included the link HERE if you have not completed it yet. Chromebook distribution will be on Tuesday, 9/15/20 based on responses to this form for remote learners and students in the Mashpee cohort. 

Grade 3 students who have a loaner device, please bring both your school-issued Chromebook and charger with you on the first day of school. Grade 3 students will have their assigned Chromebook available in school each day and will not need to travel back and forth with them.  

If my child has health needs, takes medication, uses an inhaler, epi-pen, etc. what should I do?

Parents/guardians, please call or email Nurse Terri to set up a time to drop off any medication and completed medication forms.  She is making appointments to limit the number of families in the health office. Nurse Terri can be reached at (508) 539-1550 x 4155 or at

Calling in a Student Absence and/or Changing Dismissal Plans

To limit the handling of paper, we are asking parents/guardians to use our attendance email,, to share any early dismissal plans with us, absences, or change in pick-up/dismissal instructions. 

Along with detailed instructions emails should include:  

1. The student's name 

2. The student's grade 

3. Homeroom teacher 

Please note, if someone other than you will be picking up your child, please be sure to include that person's full name and inform them that identification will be required for pick up. Any change in dismissal needs to be shared by email or phone with the Quashnet School office before 2:00 PM daily, per the school handbook.  

Absences may still be called into Nurse Terri at (508) 539-1550 x4155.

Do I need to report my remote learner as sick or absent?  

YES! Attendance will be taken for ALL learners, in-person and remote.  If your child cannot participate in school, please email us at or call Nurse Terri. They will be recorded as absent.  

Is lunch really free? 

Yes!  Currently, lunch is available to all Mashpee students for free.  A lunch count will be taken in the classroom each morning by the classroom teacher.  To start the year, students will only have an option of a nutritionally balanced bag lunch. There will be one sandwich made per day or an option of sun-butter and jelly.  

How do I change the learning model and/or transportation option I chose for my child? 

Please notify me in writing of your intent to change either the learning model and/or transportation for your child at Your request will be handled as soon as possible, but as shared by the superintendent, there may be up to a two-week window for any changes to take effect.   

How are student bathrooms being handled? 

Teachers will be instructing students on all of our safety protocols in school.  For the bathrooms, only two students will be allowed in the bathroom at one time. If a student goes to use the bathroom and two students are already in the facilities, they will be instructed to wait outside in the hallway until one student exits. There will be six-foot markings on the floor and signage on the walls to remind students to social-distance while waiting for their turn. 

What is available for recess? 

Every class will have a 25-minute recess break scheduled daily.  The play areas are divided into two sections.  One section is the small play structure, tennis courts, basketball court, and a section of the fields. The other area will include the large play structure, a fitness circuit, and a section of the fields. The play areas have been divided to keeps groups together and to limit exposure but still enjoying the play structures, friends, and social time.  The equipment will be cleaned between each recess block. We will also be starting a walking club that will be available to all students regardless of assigned play area. 

What if I still have a question that hasn't been answered? 

Never hesitate to email or call the Quashnet School office directly.  If I can't answer your question immediately, I will get the answer for you. 

My email is:    Phone: (508) 539-1550 

PLEASE Complete the form below for EACH of your children that attend Quashnet School before school starts on Wednesday, September 16, 2020.  

Click: Annual Parent/Guardian Sign-offs

*There is a different form for KCC and MMHS students.  Thank you for your cooperation.  😊

One last thought...Last week, I shared a short video with the Quashnet School staff about riding a bike.  Once you learn how to ride, they say you never forget. But...what if that bike changes. You still have the skill set, but you have to retrain your brain to adapt to the changes.  Check it out - Backwards Bike Challenge

We are all still trying to train our brains on this new learning model. I know there will be some glitches and some bumps in the road, but we will get better each day.  

Thank you for your patience, understanding, trust, and support as we take this ride together.  

We can't wait to welcome our new and returning students.  Looking forward to a GREAT year ahead!  


Principal O'Brien

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