Sunday, March 15, 2020

March 15, 2020

Dear Quashnet School Community,

Please be sure to check the Mashpee Public School website,, for information regarding our school closure.  There will soon be resources for at-home learning recommendations for families as we are out of school for this extended period.  Currently, all Mashpee schools will be closed through March 27th. 

During this unsettled time, Governor Baker shared today, "Get your information from trusted news sources." What great advice as there is so much speculation and misinformation on Covid-19 - visit as a valid source of information.   

Update on Six Flags Read to Succeed-

It has been reported that families are experiencing difficulty posting reading hours on the Six Flags site through the new parent portal.  If you are having any challenges, please email your child's reading hours to Mrs. Pagano at and she will enter them in the portal. Even though we are not IN school, we will be able to help remotely. We appreciate your child's participation and home support!

Please stay healthy and practice social distancing.

Principal O'Brien 

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