Sunday, February 2, 2020


February 3, 2020 

Happy Groundhog Day Quashnet School Community, 

We are in luck - Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring!  Unfortunately, Phil is only correct 39% of the time, but who is counting! As the legend goes, if Phil casts a shadow on February 2, winter continues. No shadow today in Pennsylvania.  

Even though winter may be shorter, please know that the threshold for going outside for recess is 20 degrees. Students should come to school prepared to go outside for their 25-minute recess. Shorts and t-shirts are not appropriate for these cold days. The field is also a wind tunnel and feels colder than a protected yard. Please encourage your child to dress in layers if they are warm in their classrooms.  Hats, coats, and long pants are good options when it's 30 degrees. On a side note, we recently received a donation of brand new winter jackets. If this is something that would benefit your child please contact me, one of the school counselors, or just stop in. 

When you look at the pictures from last week, you will see several slides from a Grade 6 assembly called Sandy Hook Promise. The timeless message shared with students is to "Start with hello." When they see another student alone, isolated, or sad, say hello. Terrance, the presenter, also shared ideas for icebreakers as conversation starters. Although this assembly was geared toward Grade 6, we are encouraging this message school-wide. In Grade 7, students will participate in the next step of this training -  See Something, Say Something.  

Congratulations to MMHS STEM teacher, Mrs. Amanda Hough. On Wednesday, January 29, 2020, Mrs. Hough was named the Massachusetts STEM Teacher of the Year.  She was presented this award by Bryan Morry, Executive Director Patriots Hall of Fame and Secretary of Education, James Peyser.  What a fabulous honor and so well deserved!  Mrs. Hough organizes numerous events in all three schools which provide a rich learning experience for Mashpee students.  At Quashnet, she organizes the Energy Festival each year, she partnered with Mrs. Whiddon and Grade 5 teachers for the SeaPerch Underwater Rover Project (coming up this spring for our 2nd year), and this year she facilitated a robotics competition club for Grade 5 students who have been invited to compete this month at Cape Cod Community College. It is great to be in Mashpee because of all of the dedicated teachers like Mrs. Hough! 

The first week in February is School Counselors Week. We are incredibly fortunate to have three skillful, compassionate, empathetic, and kind counselors at Quashnet School. Please be sure to thank Mrs. Morrison, Ms. Maggiacomo, and Mr. Withington this week for ALL they do to support students, staff, and families. Oh...and don't forget Keiki!

Mrs. Morrison will be visiting all Grade 3 classrooms for a Mindfulness review. She will be in classes over an 8 week period for a half-hour per week. Information about mindful education can be found on the tab above.  If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Morrison at 

February is Black History Month - 
Please visit to see a listing of events this month to celebrate diversity.  All events are free and open to the public. 

Wishing you all a "super" Sunday and a productive week ahead. 

Principal O'Brien 

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