Sunday, October 27, 2019

October 27, 2019

Happy Halloween Quashnet Community,

Falcon Five Treat! 

This is an exciting week with the Book Fair, Book Fair Breakfasts, Parent-Teacher Conferences, Halloween, and Picture Re-take Day! 

Thank you, Amber Smith, Kim Schafer, Kim Santos and all the volunteers for preparing and transforming the Quashnet library for the Book Fair. It truly looks amazing and makes me want to "hibernate with good books!"  I hope families will be able to attend the fair this week. Attached to your Sunday email is the Book Fair Breakfast notice for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings. Mr. Gus and his staff have a delicious menu planned.  Breakfast will be available from 8:15 to 8:45 AM. 

Tuesday, October 29th is an EARLY RELEASE DAY with student dismissal at 12:30 PM.  It is our second day of Parent-Teacher Conferences.  Please know it is NOT TOO LATE to sign up.  Click this link Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up.

Have you seen the new dismissal/pick up protocol? If you are picking up your child or arranging for someone else to dismiss your child, PLEASE always send in a note with your child's name that includes the adult's name that will be dismissing your child. If there is a change in dismissal during the day, a call should be made to the main office by 2:30 PM per the Handbook. If a note isn't received or a call is not made, please follow the sign to the designated area. This will allow the staff to verify all pickups. The picture on the left is posted in the front lobby. This should help the line move quicker for those with pre-arranged pickups.  Thank you for your cooperation as our focus is on student safety.  

Halloween is this Thursday, ORANGE AND BLACK DAY. Please know that classroom teachers may plan a special event or lesson, but it is an academic day at Quashnet. Have fun wearing orange and black, but no costumes, masks, or face paints, please.  Per the School Committee Health and Wellness Policy, candy should not be shared at school.  Be safe and have fun trick or treating together! 

 "Got Candy?"  Candy donations will be excepted at Quashnet School beginning Friday, November 1st - look for the collection box near the front door. This marks the 18th year that the Quashnet School K-Kids are collecting candy to send to the troops. The only requirement is that the candy must be individually wrapped. We ask families to share the names of deployed family members and friends to receive personalized care packages.  These care packages include candy and notes of gratitude from our students. Please email  Ms. Manning, K-Kids advisor, at  with any names and addresses of those that you would like to receive a special Quashnet care package.  

This Friday, November 1st is  PICTURE RE-TAKE DAY at both QS and KCC.  

Quashnet PTO Update

We had our second meeting of the year this past Tuesday and are excited to share these updates with you!

Falcon Buck Packets should have gone home with all the information needed. Please be sure to send in payments on the dates listed in the packet. If you did not get a packet or need more calendars to sell, please email Amber at to get more.

The Color Me Mine Paint Night still has spots available on November 2, 2019, at 6:30 PM. Please call Color Me Mine directly to reserve your spot today! 

We are looking for committee members to help organize and decorate for the upcoming Black Light Dance on November 22, 2019. If you have any interest in helping with this event, please email Amber at

We hope to see you at our next meeting on Tuesday, November 19, 2019, at 6:00 PM!

Wishing you all a wonderful week, and I look forward to seeing you at school! 

Principal O'Brien 

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