October 20, 2019
Dear Quashnet School Community,

What a wild weather week! I hope you all weathered the storm well. I am so glad that we were able to be in school. It is too early in the season for a "snow day!" Besides postponing a field trip and losing one tree in the front of the school, attendance was great and learning went on. FYI - as a result of some delays on the roads due to tree damage and debris, students arriving late were not recorded as tardy.
Below is the information to register for your conference. It is NOT TOO LATE!! Conferences are scheduled for THIS Thursday AND next TUESDAY.
If conferences seem early this year, they are! In the past, conferences were held in November/December. We felt it made more sense to meet sooner and discuss strategies to best meet the needs of all students before the first term is over. October is the midterm, which will allow more time to make adjustments to best meet student needs. Attached is an article from the National Education Association on parent preparation for conference time - it's a quick read and worth it! http://www.nea.org/home/60103.htm
Please join us by participating in the 2nd Annual Book Character Pumpkin Decorating Event!
The tables are set in the front lobby and space is ready to display your child(ren)'s creative pumpkin character creation! Mrs. Pons' fall reading incentive program is underway. It is never too late to participate and have some fun decorating a pumpkin paired with a favorite book character. There are several pictured on the photos from last week - be sure to check them out! All participants are entered into a raffle for the QS Book Fair - thank you PTO! Click this link for directions: Character Pumpkin Directions.
A reminder that Tuesday, October 22nd, is a PTO meeting at 6:00 PM. ALL are welcome! This Friday, October 25th, is the 1st day of the Quashnet School Book Fair - it will be running through next week. Thank you for supporting PTO and the book fair. All funds raised by PTO benefit all Quashnet students through presentation, books, field trip support, recess equipment, and more.
Stop and Shop rewards update for September -
$1469 was raised for Quashnet School with 1064 participants.
Be sure to tell family and friends to register their Stop & Shop cards for Quashnet School. This is our primary fundraiser and a very easy and painless way to support our school. THANK YOU for your support!

Our K-Kids are always working to help others in our school and the greater community. A food drive is underway - any donations can be left in the front hallway near the office.
I hope you all have a wonderful week ahead.
Principal O'Brien
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