Sunday, August 25, 2019

August 25, 2019 

Dear Quashnet School Community, 

It is the most wonderful time of the year!   😊

Teachers, staff, Mrs. Avtges and I are so excited to welcome everyone to the 2019-2020 school year.  Our school looks amazing and there are always new and exciting things to share.  

Ms. Reardon, Mrs. Milde,
Ms. Maggiacomo
Have you seen our new patio out behind the school? In the past, this was an area of erosion and washout creating a messy mud puddle or an ice rink in the winter and an area where grass would not grow. With the new patio blocks, we will be able to use the space as an outdoor lunch area for students, a work area for students, and a safer pathway into school and to buses in the afternoon. Thank you DPW - it looks great and will be well used by students! There is a picture of the area on the photo tab above.  

We are welcoming several new staff members this year.  Mrs. Madden and Ms. Reardon are Special Education teachers, Ms. Maggiacomo is a new counselor, Mr. Souza will be a third-grade teacher coming from KCC, Mrs. Milde and Mrs. Demers are paraprofessionals, and Mrs. Chisholm will be a recess monitor. They will all be wonderful additions to our school staff - welcome! 

We are so grateful to our friends, the Masonic Angels. Quashnet School received a generous donation of school supplies to support students which include pencil boxes, erasers, crayons, colored pencils, pencils, and a sharpener. They provided folders, notebooks, and composition books as well.  We are very appreciative of their hard work for others and grateful to be a beneficiary of their generosity. 

It was TERRIFIC to meet incoming Grade 3 students last week for their scheduled scavenger hunts. The scavenger hunts help students become familiar with their new school setting and to know where their homeroom is. All Grade 3 students should have received their class placement along with a lanyard that is either teal, green, purple, orange, yellow or red.  It is VERY important that each third grader wear their lanyard the first week of school. This will help us ensure they are able to quickly find their assigned teacher. If your child does not have a lanyard, please be sure to visit the Quashnet office before school starts to get one.  We did have several envelopes returned to school as undeliverable.  

If your child missed the Scavenger Hunt or is not in third grade - not to worry. ALL STUDENTS are welcome to come with their family to Quashnet School this Thursday, August 29th, between 2:00 and 3:00 PM for our annual Sneak-a-Peek event. Students will be able to see where their classroom is and meet teachers. Sneak-a-Peek is a quick meet and greet opportunity. Classroom expectations, homework, contact information, curriculum, etc. will be reviewed by teachers during the Quashnet School Open House for parents on September 12th.  What a difference a year makes, last August we were in full construction mode and had to cancel Sneak-a-Peek. We are thankful to be in full operation this year! 

Children's Room at Mashpee Public Library 

This coming Friday, August 30th, is the last day to log student summer reading hours through Mashpee Public Library.  Thank you to Mashpee librarian, Kathy Mahoney and Janet Burke for their support and work with this summer's reading incentive. The link to log student minutes is:

Enjoy this last week of summer vacation!  We all hope to see you on Thursday, August 29th for Sneak-a-Peek from 2:00-3:00 PM.  The first day of school is Tuesday, September 3rd.  Doors will open at 8:50 AM for a 9:05 AM start time. See you soon!

Principal O'Brien       

PS - Look for an update to the Quashnet Blog every Sunday evening at 5:00 PM throughout the school year.  

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