Saturday, June 22, 2019

June 23, 2019 

Dear Quashnet School Community, 

Pictures from Field Day, the 6th Grade BBQ, and the last day of school can be found on the photo tab above.  

Enjoy your summer with family and friends.   

Summer reading and summer math practice are both extremely important to help all students maintain the skills they have learned this year. The summer slide is real and all students will slide back if they are not engaged with some learning. 

Ten ways to prevent the "summer slide"- 

1. Find high-interest reading material. 
2. Magazines, books, graphic novels, e-books, comic books count - it is all reading!
3. Visit the local library for a great selection of topics and titles.
4. Read to younger children, older people, to self -   
5. Cooking together provides reading and math - a great way to practice measurement/capacity
6. Build something - math/measurement 
7. In the car or on a ride, practice facts. Facts in math are like letters to reading - students need to know both!  
8. Keep a summer journal of trips, events, observations, gatherings, etc. - writing paired with illustrations make it fun! 
9. Write a book. 
10. Board games build skills and provide a great way to unplug - enjoy conversation, socialization, math, reasoning, strategy, and thinking -  

Have FUN and KEEP SKILLS fresh! 

Important dates for the 2019-2020 school year: 

Classroom placements will be mailed on August 13th. 

Grade 3 Scavenger Hunts - August 22 and August 23 scheduled by homeroom class. 

The first day of school is on Tuesday, September 3, 2019.  

Quashnet School Open House is scheduled for Thursday, September 12th.  

Thank you, families, for sharing your wonderful children with us. We value and appreciate your partnership.  Have a SAFE, happy, and relaxing summer.  

Mrs. O'Brien, Principal 

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