Saturday, February 23, 2019

February 24, 2019

Dear Quashnet School Community, 

It's a school night!  I hope everyone has had a restful vacation week.  It will be great to see our Quashnet scholars return to school tomorrow.  The Six Flag Read to Succeed Reading Log is due on Monday, 2/25/19.  Please be sure to have students turn it into their homeroom teacher or to the office. If the log has been misplaced, I have attached a copy to the Sunday email.  

I hope you have marked your calendar for
this Thursday, 2/28/19. 

It is STEAM Night at Quashnet School.

Bring the family and engage in a multitude of science, technology, engineering, art, and math activities facilitated by our outstanding Quashnet teachers and several special guests.  

Don't forget to bring your sports egg protection design. The project requirements are attached to the Sunday email.   

I am very excited to share a wonderful opportunity for our Grade 5 & 6 students as we recognize Black History Month. In collaboration with the Woods Hole Black History Month Committee, on Wednesday, February 27th, we will be welcoming Sharon Kennedy, an American Storyteller and a Grammy Award Nominee for her work on the “Patchwork Quilt.”  Her performance “American Storyteller in Ghana,” will take students on a journey to West Africa based on over two dozen folktales she collected on her expedition to Ghana and Burkina Faso.  Her dynamic performance will immerse students in the history and cultural traditions through Storytelling. This event is geared towards 5th and 6th graders. For additional information on Black History Month events, visit Woods Hole Black History Month.  

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)-

The number one ingredient in SEL is building student to student, student to adult, and adult to adult positive relationships.  Having positive relationships help us see, hear, respect, recognize other's needs and to understand one another's perspective and beliefs.  

We need to take the time to build positive relationships in order to have safe schools and safe communities.

On Monday, March 4th @ 8:15 AM please join the Quashnet admin team for an informal coffee/tea at Quashnet for parents, guardians, and caregivers.  

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead. Looking forward to seeing you this Thursday night.  Can you believe Friday is March 1st? Spring is coming :-) 


Mrs. O'Brien, Principal 

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