January 8, 2017
Dear Quashnet School Community,
Winter has definitely arrived! With snow in the forecast, it is important to stay on top of a delayed school start time or cancellations. If your information is correct in PowerSchool, our data base system, then you will receive an automated call regarding any changes in schedule or in the case of an emergency. PLEASE, please, please, if you have not updated your emergency contact information, do so today! The update includes your own emergency numbers, emergency pick up contacts in the event you are unavailable, and medical information. To update this extremely important information go to: http://www.mashpee.k12.ma.us. From the District website, click on the link that says UPDATE REGISTRATION listed on the left side of the page. If you have misplaced your InfoSnap password please call the QS office (508-539-1550 x4100) or stop in. We are more than happy to help!
We welcomed the New Year with two new initiatives at Quashnet to reinforce the Falcon Five. Have you heard about the Quashnet Cafe? Students who exemplify the Falcon Five in the cafeteria earn a reservation in the cafe. They are also invited to share their reserved table with three friends. The tables are in the back of the cafe, have real chairs, a tablecloth, and it is a very comfortable setting. The problem is that it is hard to recognize only four students a day! Nice job Falcons - your positive behavior is being recognized!
The second initiative is focused on recess and is called SRO with the SRO, translated - Special Recess Opportunity with School Resource Officer Calhoun. Recess monitors and teachers are looking for those Falcons who demonstrate good sportsmanship, friendship, and follow the playground rules consistently. On a specified day during the last week of each month, those students will join Officer Calhoun for a special recess activity.
Have you checked out the photos for the week yet? Be sure to see the great family photos from the Pasta Dinner night in December. Love them!
As of 10:30 am Sunday morning, there are still 14 slots available for the Family Paint Night on January 20th. This is a fun filled night, all supplies are provided, and you leave with a beautiful painting. There is a nominal fee of $10 per painter. To register go to: QS Paint Night Registration.
Have you looked at the Chinese student bios in the front lobby of school? We are still in need of families willing to host a Chinese Exchange student for only one week in February. The students range in age from 9 -12 years old. They will be traveling to Mashpee with their principal and four teachers who will be staying in a local hotel. They will be available 24/7 to support any student concerns. Please call, stop in, or email me with any questions (mobrien@mpspk12.org).
Congratulations to the following students for joining the Blue Falcon Theatre Company for the March performance of Willy Wonka at MMHS. I know Maya Brainson, Lila Burke, Keelie Fraser, Raegan Gray, Makai Hue, Piper Hughes, Charlie Jenkins, Grace McDonald, Jaya Merkman, Norah Paolini, Rhiannon Raymond, Caitlin Signs, Mireya Strom, Sophia Tellez, and Sabrina Vazquez are going to be AMAZING Oompa-Loompas! What a great partnership with MMHS.
Speaking of MMHS - SIXTH GRADE FAMILIES - please clear your calendar for Thursday, February 2nd at 6:00 PM. Principal Balestracci and his team will be sharing the 2017-18 Program of Studies Night at MMHS auditorium. This is an important transitional night for your soon to be 7th grader and for you. I highly recommend participation in these transitional opportunities.
Are you ready Quashnet for the big game?
FRIDAY, JANUARY 27th at 6:00 PM -
QS takes on KCC for the
Second Annual PTO Basketball Challenge.
This is a fun night for all -
come cheer on our team
as we repeat our win from last year! : -)
Academic Update: This week is our STAR Reading and Math Benchmark Assessment Week. These are important computer-based assessments that we use to plan instruction and create academic groupings. Reinforcing with your children the importance of giving their best effort always is so helpful and reinforces the same message from their teachers. Strong school/home partnerships support student success.
Enjoy the snow!
Mrs. O'Brien
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