October 16, 2016
Happy Sunday Quashnet School Families and Staff,
What a beautiful day! I hope you have been able to enjoy this wonderful fall weather.
This week has many activities and events planned. If you haven't heard about the possible change in school start time for next year, you might want to join the discussion Monday in the QS cafeteria before Town Meeting. There will be an information meeting starting at 5:30 PM. If you can't make it check out the website Start Time Link or attend the next meeting at MMHS on Thursday, October 27th at 6:00 PM. Of course Town Meeting is at 7:00 PM at MMHS tomorrow, 10/17, with several articles to benefit the schools. Your vote counts!
Cyber safety, how to know if your child is using technology safely, is the topic for a discussion Tuesday night in the Quashnet Library. Mr. Chris Santos will be here to help provide parents with tools and information to keep their kids safe on the Internet. This includes instagram, snapchat, musically and others. Our children are not always making good choices and expanding your knowledge is a way to monitor and prevent problems. PLEASE come to this important night beginning at 6:30 PM Tuesday, October 17th. It is NEVER too early to start this conversation and build your knowledge.
PTO is at it again! This Friday night, October 21st, there will be a family black-light dance in the QS cafeteria starting at 6:00 PM. It will be a great night of fun with quality family time. Hopefully you received a fundraiser packet from PTO - Falcon Bucks. Did you see the prizes??? Nice! Good luck everyone for those December drawings.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Quashnet School is partnering with Mashpee Middle/High School for CoastSweep, 2016. Meet at: South Cape Beach - Town Beach from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Mrs. Babich, a sixth grade teacher, is leading the charge for the beach cleanup this Saturday, October 22nd. Please contact Mrs. Babich with any questions - ebabich@mpspk12.org.
There is another fabulous opportunity for Mashpee parents and guardians. Gosnold of Cape Cod is offering "four interactive workshops designed to teach participants how to establish clear guidelines, give children the tools and opportunities they need to make good decisions, improve children's involvement in the family, and enhance overall family connectedness." Guiding Good Choices is being offered on 11/7, 11/14, 11/21, and on 11/28 from 6-8 PM at MMHS. This program was offered last year and the majority of parents who attended had children at Quashnet School. Dinner is served and there is no cost. Please call Nancy Ames at 508-540-6550 x6003 or at names@gosnold.org. It is WELL WORTH the investment in time.
The 2016 presidential election season has been somewhat different, with challenging content at times, and that is all I have to say about that. But as promised, the results of the student mock election at QS predicts Hillary Clinton as the next President of the United States. An interesting turn is MMHS went with Donald Trump. We will see how well we reflect the actual vote on Nov 8th.
Enjoy the week and hope to see you at some of this week's events!
Mrs. O'Brien
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