September 25, 2016
Dear Quashnet Community,
Top Summer Readers! Erin, Ethan, Dylan, Taylor, Madison, Lindsey, Harlee, Dionisio |
Bravo QS/KCC PTOs! |
A couple of important medical reminders - Please notify our school nurse, Mrs. Moses, at 508-539-1550 xx4155, if your child has had an injury, a sprain, a broken bone, is on crutches, in a sling, etc. so she is prepared to assist if necessary. Mrs. Moses also needs to be notified if your child has any activity restrictions for gym or recess and when restrictions are lifted by the doctor. She will communicate that to the necessary staff. It is important to notify her of any new medications or contagious illness, such as strep, so she can treat appropriately in the case of an adverse reaction. I know this is an extra step, but it is important for the health and well being of all students and staff. Now that we are back in school, it is also advisable to familiarize yourself with the Mashpee School District's head lice policy. It is impossible to total prevent lice, but this link will give you support. http://www.mashpee.k12.ma.us/webpages/sschakel/resources.cfm . If your child is going to be absent due to illness or other, please call the QS Health Office as early as possible at the number above.
Busses have been running right on time this year and arriving to school before 8:10 every morning. If you drop your child(ren) off in the morning, please pull up as far as possible, past the entrance walkway to the school. This allows for the greatest number of children to exit cars as possible. The safest drop off is to go through the line in the morning. There is no crossing in front of the traffic from the parking lot, making it much safer. If students arrive to school after 8:15 AM, they need to be signed into school by a parent/guardian. Tuesday, September 27th, is the first day for the late busses. For those new to this process, there are two late busses for Quashnet School. These busses cover the whole town, and depending on where student riders live, the bus does not drop off students at a consistent time. The drivers work to get the students as close to their regular bus stop as possible. It is also important to note that there is a stop at the Boys and Girls Club. Parent pick-up after clubs is at 3:30 PM.
National Honor Society volunteers and pics from the New Student Breakfast!
Clubs begin on Tuesday! Club confirmations will be sent home tomorrow, Monday, 9/26. We had a delay in confirmations due to a glitch with our School Messenger system. This is the system we use to send out notices for the Blog every Sunday. I receive a confirmation that everyone receives it, but apparently that is not what is happening. We had many people not know about the link for the clubs until it was posted on Facebook. Just an FYI - if you know of someone not getting an email on Sundays, the Blog, calendar, and schedule are updated for 5:00 PM, and they may just go to http://qsmashpee.blogspot.com/ directly. The problem has been reported and should be in full working order soon!
Student of the Week begins during student lunches on Wednesdays. Teachers recognize one student in their class each week for a specific reason. If you see the certificate come home, be sure to ask WHY your child was recognized by the classroom teacher. Parents and guardians are always welcome during recess or lunch, but a visitor's pass is necessary. Just stop in the office first.
I wish you all a wonderful and productive week ahead!
Mrs. O'Brien
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