Remember to click on the page tabs at the top of this blog, particularly "THIS WEEK" to see this week's scheduled happenings.
Dear Quashnet School Community,
Remember that Monday, 11/24, is a half day for students (11:30 AM Dismissal). As always, students may order a "To-Go" bag lunch from the cafeteria. Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled for the afternoon and evening.
Tuesday is a full day. It is "Mashpee Pride Day" so students and staff are encouraged to wear blue and white. School is closed on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for the Thanksgiving break. I can't believe that when we return from the break it will be December 1st. We need to figure out how to slow life down!
The Quashnet School Elf returns on Monday, December 1st. He is very creative in discovering hiding places. He has told me that he loves spending time at our school because our students are so kind and caring. He seeks out the best "Falcon Five" followers.
Holiday gift shopping at the Falcon Five store begins on Wednesday, December 3rd. This is a great opportunity for our students to use their tickets to buy small gifts for family members.
Students are expected to dress appropriately for the season. We have many students who love wearing shorts. They can wear them once they are in the building. However, when traveling to and from school (even by car) and during outdoor recess, students are expected to dress for the cold weather. We always check the local weather and wind chill prior to deciding the plan for each day's recess. Students should keep extra clothes in their lockers so they are always prepared. (See our 14-15 Parent/Student Handbook--Page 7: Appropriate
clothing must be worn during cold weather in order to participate in outdoor
recess.) The decision as to whether a student's clothing is appropriate for the weather conditions at recess is made by Mr. Rumberger and me. We appreciate the support of our families.
Our fourth graders brought in the greatest number of items for the Mashpee Community Food Drive. Over 1,000 items were contributed by the Quashnet School. Thank you to everyone for supporting this worthwhile cause.
December calendars went home last Friday. You can also access the calendar online through our Blog--"This Week." Please add all of the important events to your planner. More information will be coming home soon for some of the events.
I hope that everyone has a Thanksgiving filled with good food, joyful conversations, and thankfulness. Remember to be "in the moment" and notice all the small things that make life wonderful. Enjoy your family time and choose to have a positive impact on those around you. Smile often and spread positivism. Make a difference in someone's life!
I hope that everyone has a Thanksgiving filled with good food, joyful conversations, and thankfulness. Remember to be "in the moment" and notice all the small things that make life wonderful. Enjoy your family time and choose to have a positive impact on those around you. Smile often and spread positivism. Make a difference in someone's life!
Mrs. Morrison, Mr. Withington, Mrs. McCue, and Keiki--The Greatest Counseling Team on Earth!
We are thankful to our sixth grade guides at our Parent/Teacher Conferences on 11/20/14.
Be mindful and make the most of every moment of every day. Smile as often as you can. Let those around you know how much you value their being in your life. Read and learn something new every day. Be your very best you!
With Gratitude,
Patty DeBoer
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