It’s not the years in your life that count; it’s the life in your years--Abraham Lincoln
You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him.--Leo Aikman
Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow. Never stop challenging yourself.
"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." Maya Angelou
I need to be seen. I need to be heard. I need to be respected. I need to be safe. I need to belong. When all of my basic needs are met. . . then. . . I’m ready to learn. (Anonymous)
Remember to click on the page tabs at the top of this blog, particularly "THIS WEEK" to see this week's scheduled happenings.
Dear Quashnet School Community,
This Thursday (11/20) and again next Monday (11/24) we have set aside time for our parents and teachers to meet in order to discuss student performance and to collaboratively develop a plan that will guide each student to maximum growth--academically, socially, and emotionally.
Your conference provides you with a valuable opportunity to see examples of your child's work, to review grade-level expectations and your child's progress relative thereto, to ask questions about specific concerns or to get additional information, and to find out how you can reinforce classroom learning at home.
Before your Conference:
1. Make sure you have visited the Power School database. Parents should be regularly visiting this site to monitor their child's academic progress and attendance.
2. Have a conversation with your child. How does your child feel about school? How does your child think he/she is doing in school? Is there anything that your child wants you to ask or to tell the teacher?
3. Do you have particular concerns about your child? How does he/she get along with other children? Is your child working up to his/her potential?
4. Have there been any major changes at home or school that might have an impact on your child's school work? (Health Concerns, Family Issues, Separation from Friends, etc.)
During your Conference:
Be an active listener and take notes. To make the best use of limited conference time, focus your attention on the areas most important to your child. Consider the following topics as possibilities for discussion with your child's teacher:
1. In which area(s) is your child doing well?
2. In which area(s) does he/she need to improve?
3. Has your child adjusted well to the class and the teacher?
4. What are some of your child's special interests or concerns?
5. How can you help your child at home?
6. What other resources are available to help your child?
After your Conference:
Discuss the results of the conference with your child.
1. Talk to your child about the information that was shared at the conference.
2. Praise your child for doing well or making progress, but also discuss areas for improvement identified by the teacher. Reinforce a growth mindset.
Communicate with your child's teacher on a regular basis and schedule additional conferences as needed. Parents must be partners with teachers in order to ensure your child's academic success.
I greatly value my work and am grateful for the opportunity I have been given to help each student grow. We have wonderful children at the Quashnet School. I learn something new every day through my interactions with them; they are amazing! Childhood is a very special time that does not last forever. I wish I could ensure that every Quashnet student has the best childhood possible--a childhood filled with love, support, kindness, and the never-ending message that with time and effort anything is possible.
Parents: Please encourage your child to read outside of school every day for at least thirty minutes. A parent who models reading is giving their child a wonderful gift. We also ask that you help your child to do better in school by making sure he/she goes to bed early on school nights, eats a good breakfast, and gets to school on time. Building a structure or routine into your weekly schedule will help your child thrive. We also encourage you to be mindful of how technology is being used by our child. Please don’t let the media raise your child.
Our 4th Annual "MOUNTAIN OF FOOD" drive to support our Community Food Pantries
We will be collecting unopened, non-perishable canned goods, cereal, pasta, and other staple food items to assist our local community members in need. Students should bring their donations to their homerooms for morning collection. We keep track by homeroom as well as by grade level. Our first collection period runs until Thanksgiving.
"Toys for Tots" CAN/BOTTLE DRIVE
Third grader Lila Burke and her sister, sixth grader Sydney Burke, are collecting empty soda cans and bottles that have the 5 cent deposit. They hope to raise enough money through this collection to be able to buy some toys to donate to the "Toys for Tots" program. We hope that you will choose to support their efforts. Donated cans/bottles can be left in the box at Quashnet's main office. Please don't send in any glass containers.
PTO PASTA ($5.00 per bag): Please email if you would like to purchase some Pasta Fun Shapes. This pasta makes a great holiday gift. They have soccer balls, lobsters, turkeys, Christmas trees, reindeer chicken noodle soup, winter time chili, and gluten free fettuccine.
This Thursday (11/20) and again next Monday (11/24) we have set aside time for our parents and teachers to meet in order to discuss student performance and to collaboratively develop a plan that will guide each student to maximum growth--academically, socially, and emotionally.
Your conference provides you with a valuable opportunity to see examples of your child's work, to review grade-level expectations and your child's progress relative thereto, to ask questions about specific concerns or to get additional information, and to find out how you can reinforce classroom learning at home.
Before your Conference:
1. Make sure you have visited the Power School database. Parents should be regularly visiting this site to monitor their child's academic progress and attendance.
2. Have a conversation with your child. How does your child feel about school? How does your child think he/she is doing in school? Is there anything that your child wants you to ask or to tell the teacher?
3. Do you have particular concerns about your child? How does he/she get along with other children? Is your child working up to his/her potential?
4. Have there been any major changes at home or school that might have an impact on your child's school work? (Health Concerns, Family Issues, Separation from Friends, etc.)
During your Conference:
Be an active listener and take notes. To make the best use of limited conference time, focus your attention on the areas most important to your child. Consider the following topics as possibilities for discussion with your child's teacher:
1. In which area(s) is your child doing well?
2. In which area(s) does he/she need to improve?
3. Has your child adjusted well to the class and the teacher?
4. What are some of your child's special interests or concerns?
5. How can you help your child at home?
6. What other resources are available to help your child?
After your Conference:
Discuss the results of the conference with your child.
1. Talk to your child about the information that was shared at the conference.
2. Praise your child for doing well or making progress, but also discuss areas for improvement identified by the teacher. Reinforce a growth mindset.
Communicate with your child's teacher on a regular basis and schedule additional conferences as needed. Parents must be partners with teachers in order to ensure your child's academic success.
I greatly value my work and am grateful for the opportunity I have been given to help each student grow. We have wonderful children at the Quashnet School. I learn something new every day through my interactions with them; they are amazing! Childhood is a very special time that does not last forever. I wish I could ensure that every Quashnet student has the best childhood possible--a childhood filled with love, support, kindness, and the never-ending message that with time and effort anything is possible.
We all need to be mindful of our words and body language. Live for today--make it the best day possible, while at the same time keep an eye on tomorrow. Take steps to be prepared; be your best you. Smile often and presume positive intentions. If your cup is half full rather than half empty, you will live a better life and be able to make a positive impact on others.
Parents: Please encourage your child to read outside of school every day for at least thirty minutes. A parent who models reading is giving their child a wonderful gift. We also ask that you help your child to do better in school by making sure he/she goes to bed early on school nights, eats a good breakfast, and gets to school on time. Building a structure or routine into your weekly schedule will help your child thrive. We also encourage you to be mindful of how technology is being used by our child. Please don’t let the media raise your child.
We will be collecting unopened, non-perishable canned goods, cereal, pasta, and other staple food items to assist our local community members in need. Students should bring their donations to their homerooms for morning collection. We keep track by homeroom as well as by grade level. Our first collection period runs until Thanksgiving.
"Toys for Tots" CAN/BOTTLE DRIVE
Third grader Lila Burke and her sister, sixth grader Sydney Burke, are collecting empty soda cans and bottles that have the 5 cent deposit. They hope to raise enough money through this collection to be able to buy some toys to donate to the "Toys for Tots" program. We hope that you will choose to support their efforts. Donated cans/bottles can be left in the box at Quashnet's main office. Please don't send in any glass containers.
PTO PASTA ($5.00 per bag): Please email if you would like to purchase some Pasta Fun Shapes. This pasta makes a great holiday gift. They have soccer balls, lobsters, turkeys, Christmas trees, reindeer chicken noodle soup, winter time chili, and gluten free fettuccine.
BASKETBALL--GRADES 5 and 6: On-line registration begins on November 17th and closes on November 21st. Click on this link to read the parent letter. The letter also contains the link to the registration site.
Family Literacy Month
“There is no such thing as a child who hates to read; there are only children who have not found the right book.” Frank Serafini
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Gandhi
Be mindful and make the most of every moment of every day. Smile as often as you can. Let those around you know how much you value their being in your life. Read and learn something new every day. Be your very best you!
Please contact Mr. Morris if you have any questions:
Family Literacy Month
In Massachusetts, November has been declared “Family Literacy Month.” Parents are a child’s first and most influential teachers. Family literacy stresses the word “family,” as family members are essential in supporting learning at home, at school, and in the community. Parents play specific roles in children’s literacy development: creating a literacy-rich environment, sharing reading and writing activities, acting as reading models, and demonstrating positive attitudes toward education. A strong educational environment at home can be a major factor in reinforcing the home-school connection. Some suggested activities for families: Set aside time each day for literacy related activities—read for 20 to 30 minutes; share and discuss current news, sports, cultural, or school events, make regular visits to a library, create family portfolios reflecting pictures, stories, poems, and drawings with captions, and use everyday activities to incorporate literacy—develop shopping lists, read signs, count money, cook together, and discuss book versions of movies you watch together. Students of all ages do better in school when they are reading, writing, and participating in literacy and other learning activities with their families.
"The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.” Mark Twain
Grade 5 at the Pequot Museum in Connecticut
Extra learning after school with Ms. Louf
Paint Night--Great fun!!
Be mindful and make the most of every moment of every day. Smile as often as you can. Let those around you know how much you value their being in your life. Read and learn something new every day. Be your very best you!
With Gratitude,
Patty DeBoer
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