March 29, 2020

Greetings Quashnet School Community,
I hope this week's post finds you, your families, and loved ones feeling well. This has certainly been a roller coaster. As I am sure you know, our school closure has been extended through May 1, 2020, with a return to school date of Monday, May 4. I do hope this will be the case.
In the meantime....Virtual Spirit Week Round 2
Monday, March 30 - Mashpee Monday Creative M Day, make an M
Tuesday, March 31 - Tropical Tuesday
Wednesday, April 1 - Twin Day
Thursday, April 2 - Wear your favorite Sports Gear
Friday, April 3 - Red, White, and Blue Day
Share your photos on Twitter #StayConnectedMashpee or #Mashpee
If you don't use twitter - send your photos directly to me and I will share them in this week's blog photos or post to Twitter. Be sure to look at last week's pics. Join the fun and be creative!
Over the last week, we have been working hard to further our plans for the extended school closure in regards to at-home learning. As Governor Baker said, this is "NOT an extended school vacation." All students are expected to complete work-at-home during the school closure. Superintendent DeBoer emailed a detailed letter to families on Friday that explains student expectations for the week of March 30 - April 2 and then expectations for the three weeks from April 6 - May 1. This letter can be found on the Mashpee Public School website, Please review the letter and share the learning expectations with your child(ren). Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. Email is the best option as our school office is not open during the closure period ( ![]() |
Chromebooks |

Please note the Mashpee Meals To-Go program is still accepting registrations. To receive a lunch and breakfast for your child(ren) this form must be completed, Beginning tomorrow, March 30, 2020, distribution will only be on Mondays. Families will receive breakfast and lunch supplies for a 5 day period, Monday-Friday.
Have you ever been to Disney or want to go? Maybe you have been to a different theme park. Well, Khan Academy has put together a course for you to design your own theme park. This is a great family project where everyone could have a part of the action. The video about Imagineers is really interesting. Check it out - have fun dreaming, designing, and creating. Step-by-step instructions are provided in this course. Click the link below.
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If you do like theme parks, Six Flags New England sent out a reminder about the Read to Succeed program. All students who read at least six hours and log their hours will earn a free pass to the park. We appreciate this partnership and incentive for reading at home.
As we move forward during this unsettling time, please know that you are not alone. We are a community and there for each other. Please reach out to friends, family, and your Quashnet community by phone, email, texting, or virtually. Continue to practice social distancing to try to flatten the curve! We need to get back to school!
Read To Succeed Coronavirus Update Your students can still receive their free Six Flags tickets, regardless of your classroom situation. We understand that teachers participating in Read to Succeed are facing unique classroom situations this year.
There are multiple ways your students can complete the program, regardless of whether or not students will be in the classroom or at home by the end of the school year.
One option is to have all of your student's parents register at home. This way they can log their own child's reading, and once they hit six hours we will be able to deliver their child's ticket directly to their email.
To allow parents to register directly, tell them follow these instructions:
- Register child at using code P59EH
- By April 17, complete the online reading log for your child.
- We will email parents their Six Flags New England directly in May.
You may still have your students register using the traditional method where they send you their reading log, you enter the hours, you receive the tickets, and you distribute them to the parents. Even if you are not in school, you can still download the tickets individually and email them to the parents. To follow this method, use the same process you've used in the past.
There is still time left to register and we want to make sure that everyone who wants to register for the program gets registered. If you are able to email your student’s parents, please remind them to register soon so their child can participate from home.
In the meantime, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to send us a note.
The Six Flags Read to Succeed Team
Stay well -
Principal O'Brien
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