October 1, 2017
Dear Quashnet School Community,
It is with sincere gratitude that we thank every student and family, community members, businesses, community service organizations, and staff members for their support in helping us to achieve the goal of raising $14,000 to purchase a service dog for a local veteran. Thank you Heroes in Transition for your partnership in this initiative. Our official celebration will be during our annual Veterans Day ceremony on November 8th. This was a GREAT TEAM EFFORT!
Awesome job Quashnet School!
Hopefully everyone received the important email from registration@mpspk12.org on Tuesday, September 26 with a link to update your child's information in our data management system. This update must be completed by Tuesday, October 3. If you did not receive this email, please notify the Quashnet office or you may email me directly. Even if your child has been a Mashpee student since kindergarten, it is critical that you update your information. Based on the QS Handbook, this form must be updated yearly to ensure we have accurate emergency information, emails, parent/guardian contact information, medications, allergies, etc. Your cooperation and time is appreciated in this process.
Another revision in the Handbook addresses absences and tardies. Being in school and on time is critical in supporting your child's success. We have reviewed attendance for the month of September and any students with 3 or more absences or tardies will be contacted by administration. Three doesn't sound significant, but that equals 15% of the school days this academic year. Morning work for students includes keyboarding which is a necessary skill and learning standard for 21st century students. On Monday, WIN block begins at 8:30 AM. Teachers also review the day's agenda and focus on organization skills. The time between 8:00 and 8:30 AM is valuable learning or organizational time. All busses have been arriving no later than 8:10 AM. The bus is a great way to get to school! For those students dropped off in the morning - thank you families for pulling up past the cross walk and dropping off students all along the sidewalk. It makes a difference!
Curriculum Update-
Starting on Monday, October 2, 2017 there will be a Pet Food Drive sponsored by William Baker, a Quashnet School alumni and Eagle Scout. If you would like to donate to this worthy cause, students can drop off any donations in the large plastic container located near the front entrance.
Except from A Parent's Guide, 7 Steps... |
This Friday, October 6th, is a professional day for faculty, with no school for students. Monday, October 9th, there is no school in observance of Columbus Day. Enjoy the long weekend!
Wishing you all a productive week ahead~
Mrs. O'Brien
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