March 5, 2017
Greetings Quashnet School Community,
ELA MCAS will be administered to all Quashnet students on APRIL 11th, 12th, and 13th.
Another testing update: As the students will be taking the next-generation MCAS test for the first time, the state is proposing that schools will not be a given an accountability rating providing over 90% of the students enrolled in a school participate in testing. If a school tests less than 90% of the students, they will be given a Level 3 rating. It is very important that students make every effort to be in school. Grades 3-5 will have three test sessions each morning, and Grade 6 will participate in only two sessions, but they are longer sessions. One significant difference between the PARCC assessments and the next-generation MCAS test is that MCAS is NOT timed. Like PARCC, the ELA and Math MCAS will be online and students will be using their Chromebooks for both assessments. The Science MCAS is a paper and pencil based assessment.
For your planning purposes the other MCAS testing dates are:
Science Technology Engineering MCAS: Grade 5 ONLY May 10th and 11th
Mathematics MCAS: ALL Quashnet Students May 16th and 17th
The best way for students to be prepared for MCAS is to be in school everyday, to participate in class, ask questions, complete assignments, and practice skills. Our curriculum and instruction is aligned to the state standards. In order to avoid undo stress, students will be taking a practice test in school so they know what to expect and will also be taught how to navigate on the computer using the test simulation site. If you have any questions regarding testing, please reach out to me or your child's teacher. MCAS is a great way for students to show ALL they know!
School certainly is a lot more than testing! Below are some special events coming up that you don't want to miss.
3/19 - Quashnet School Family Skate Event at Gallo Arena - 5:00-6:30 PM - Free family event - rentals available
3/23 - Music in Our Schools, MMHS Gym 6:30 PM
3/25 - Willy Wonka with Quashnet student Oompa Loompas!
Additional dates for your planning purposes -
- 3/16 – Early Release Day for Students - Teacher Professional Development Day
- 3/16 – Dining for a Cause at 99 Restaurant – to benefit the Service Dog Initiative
- 3/17 – No School for Students -Teacher Professional Development Day
- 3/27 – Term Two Report Cards Issued
Nitana, Mrs. Perry, and Jenaya |
movie with friends and popcorn!
Parents only event coming soon....
plans are in the works!
Next PTO meeting is Wednesday, March 29 at
6:00 PM in the Quashnet Library.
To help raise funds to match those tickets the student council will be selling snacks at the skate night event, you can make a donation to the cause, there is also a Dining Out for a Cause event on March 16th at the Mashpee 99. If we get enough hits on youtube we could also start earning money there - please share the link! Thank you for helping to support this worthwhile initiative!
I hope you all have a wonderful and productive week ahead.
Mrs. O'Brien
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