Happy Memorial Day Quashnet School Community,
It is hard to believe there are only 14 school days left in the school year - and a busy 14 days they are! Please be sure to check out the weekly calendar for special activities and weekly field trips. The last day for Quashnet School after school clubs is this Thursday, June 2, and it is also the last day for the late bus.
As our school year winds down, it is important to note that the learning has not stopped. Teachers are taking time to plan engaging lessons which are aligned to the learning standards. Behavioral expectations are in place and always are being reinforced. It is not summer yet! There is still a lot to do!
There are some important dates below you may want to add to your calendar -
June 2 - Instrumental Concert 6:30 PM
June 2 - Last day after school clubs and for the late bus
June 4 - MHS Graduation 10:00 AM
June 6 - Early Release Day for students (11:30 AM dismissal)
June 6 - Volunteer Breakfast
June 8 - Summer Reading assembly for students
June 8 - Last day for Boys and Girls Club
June 9 - Chorus Concert 6:30 PM
June 10 -Career Day
June 13 -Grade 5 Recognition Awards in the gym at 9:00 AM
June 13 -Grade 3 Recognition Awards in the gym at 1:30 PM
June 14 -Field Day
June 15- Grade 4 Recognition Awards in the gym at 9:00 AM
June 15 -Grade 6 Recognition Awards in the gym at 1:30 PM
June 16 -Field Day rain date
June 17 -LAST DAY FOR STUDENTS- report cards issued
Mashpee is an amazing place! On behalf of the team, thank you ALL who participated both great and small. You help make a difference!
We are very excited about a new tradition that is being launched in Mashpee Public Schools this year. The graduating seniors at Mashpee High School will be walking the halls of Quashnet School in their caps and gowns this Friday, June 3 at 9:15 AM. During the Walk of Honor, Quashnet scholars will be lining the halls to congratulate the seniors and celebrate in their success. With limited time this year, the seniors will not be able to visit KCC, but we are happy to welcome our incoming third graders to join us in this celebration which will provide another chance to acclimate to Quashnet School!
Congratulations to the Class of 2016!
Wednesday, June 1, is Colonial Day for fifth graders and they are expecting some visitors. The Yarmouth Minutemen will setting up camp on the front lawn of Quashnet School. There will be several stations for students to visit which include a Colonial Homestead, Navy and Artillery, Cannon Crew, Continental Army, and a Loyalists and British Army station. The Minutemen will be putting on a Militia Demonstration in the afternoon. Please do not be alarmed if you happen to be at school - this is only a demonstration. There is never any danger to students or staff! Thank you Ms. Dunnigan for organizing such a great learning experience.
Memorial Day is a time to remember - thank you to our American heroes!
Enjoy the long weekend - enjoy the extra day off!
Mrs. O'Brien
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