Dear Quashnet School Community,
Well, the snow has arrived! I hope that you are all warm, safe, and able to enjoy the snow. I, for one, am ecstatic that it came on a Saturday. We can only hope that this February isn't like last year! If we do have accumulating snow on a school day, tune into local radio stations (WCIB, WCOD, WXTK, WEEI, WQRC, Ocean 104.7, Classical 107.5, and Country 104) or on local television stations (WBZ, WCVB, Fox 25, NECN, Ch. 7/CW56) for school cancelation or delayed start information.
Thank you for registering so quickly for the after-school programs last week. Confirmations will be sent home to families this week. We do have some available slots open for the solar car club for grades 5 and 6 which meets on Thursdays. This club is all hands-on building and racing solar cars. If your child is interested in participating please email, at your earliest convenience. Pottery had such an overwhelming interest we will be creating 4 - 4-week sessions instead of 2 - 8-week sessions. Again, dates and sessions will go home this week for your planning purposes. Minecraft EDU will also need to be split into two sessions to try to accommodate as many students as possible. Thank you for your flexibility as we do our best to meet the needs of all.
Quashnet students have increased opportunities with technology. Behind two of our wonderful fifth graders above is an interactive TV. It is similar to a SmartBoard, but with HD, Internet options, Bluetooth, and so much more, and it's all on wheels. We are SO fortunate to have such tools to help students and teachers to support learning. Also pictured are two students from Mrs. McKay's class filming a project using a green screen and iPads. This is a collaborative project with sixth-grade students.
Were they:
Looking for a great activity on February 6th? If so, check out the message below from MMHS senior, Kelly Bohnenberger-
Please come and support Dancing for a Cure Dance Marathon on February 6 from 6-9 (the doors open at 5) at Mashpee High School. Kelly Bohnenberger is teaming up with the organization Dancing for a Cure, founded by Susan Friedman, for her senior project. Dancing for A Cure is a Non-Profit Organization which raises money to fund breast cancer and ovarian cancer research. Students are $15 and Adults are $20. All proceeds go to Dana Farber. People can register on-line at or they can register at the door. A group of participants can create an honorary team and dance the night in honor of someone they know who has been impacted by cancer. During the marathon, "honorary" teams can request a song to dance to in honor of the person. All Participants will receive a t-shirt that they can design themselves. In addition, there will be water and light refreshments during the dance marathon. Families are welcomed! Grab your dancing shoes and get ready to boogie.
Enjoy the week ahead -
Let's hope we have one more New England Patriots Day this year! Go Pats!
Mrs. O'Brien
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