"We can choose our challenges, but sometimes they choose us. Believe in yourself."
Travis Roy
Dear Quashnet School Community,
Always click on the "This Week" tab above to be informed about the current week's schedule.
I am so glad that last week's "historic" snow storm is behind us. The timing was horrible, and the clean-up presented more challenges than anticipated. I can't believe that February has arrived already. This week we are going to have KINDNESS WEEK #2 at Quashnet since last week we were only together for one day. I am hopeful that the weather for Monday, 2/2, will support our having school. (THIS DID NOT HAPPEN--SNOW DAY #5)
This week we will be giving extra emphasis to our ongoing focus of having our students regularly and consistently use kind words and actions with their peers and with the adults in their lives. We all need to find as many “TEN SECOND” segments of our day as we can to make someone feel good. We all possess the power to be a positive factor in the lives of those around us. One person’s kindness could lead to a chain reaction of kind acts and make our world a better place.
This week we will be giving extra emphasis to our ongoing focus of having our students regularly and consistently use kind words and actions with their peers and with the adults in their lives. We all need to find as many “TEN SECOND” segments of our day as we can to make someone feel good. We all possess the power to be a positive factor in the lives of those around us. One person’s kindness could lead to a chain reaction of kind acts and make our world a better place.
Wednesday, January 28th, was No Name-Calling Day in Massachusetts, a special designation that is part of the Massachusetts anti-bullying legislation. Every day should be so designated. Bullying is behavior that has three components—it is hurtful, purposeful, and repeated. Bullying can be verbal, physical, or exclusionary, and can take place in many different settings including on a SMART phone or on the world-wide web. We take every reported incident of misbehavior very seriously. Our teachers and paraprofessionals are very in-tune with the students in their classrooms—watching for signs of stress, sadness, anger, or significant changes in attitude or behavior. We encourage our parents to call and share information with us whenever they have learned about concerning behaviors. School staff and parents must communicate frequently with each other in order to proactively protect our children from hurtful, purposeful, and repeated misbehaviors. Parents also need to closely monitor their child’s computer and cell phone use. Students at the Quashnet School are too young to handle on their own the responsibilities that go along with these technologies. Parents should know the content of the messages their child is sending and receiving on the technologies they have available today. There is often inappropriate language in the non face-to-face communication between students. Stay involved and be proactive.
We are grateful to Wayne Soares for his inspiring message to our students on Friday, 1/23. He shared examples that brought home the importance of realizing how powerful our words and actions can be. His two assemblies were a great kick-off to KINDNESS WEEK #2 at Quashnet.
TERM TWO PROGRESS REPORTS: Wednesday, 1/28/15, would have been the mid-point of our second trimester. All student assignments and teacher comments would have been posted to Power School by the beginning of the day on Wednesday, 1/28/15. However, because of our four FIVE snow days (1/27 - 2/2) we are changing Progress Report Day to Wednesday, February 4, 2015 Thursday, February 5, 2015. Parents are encouraged/requested to access their child's Power School account on a regular basis to monitor progress. Please make sure you visit the Power School site on Wednesday, 2/4/15 Thursday, 2/5/15--Progress Report Day.
Last week's nightmare!! (Back of Quashnet)
Congratulations to our girls' basketball team for their very exciting one-point win over St. Francis.
"Lunch-Bunching" with Mrs. McCue
Sydney Burke and Lila Burke are pictured here with their mom at the Superintendent's Art Gallery.
STEM fun after school
Be mindful and make the most of every moment of every day. Smile as often as you can. Let those around you know how much you value their being in your life. Read and learn something new every day. Be your very best you!
With Gratitude,
Patty DeBoer
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