School Cancellations: If a school day is cancelled due to poor weather, the following school day will be the missed day in our 6-Day cycle.
Dear Quashnet School Community,
"We can choose our challenges, but sometimes they choose us. Believe in yourself."
Travis Roy
Dear Quashnet School Community,
Always click on the "This Week" tab above to be informed about the current week's schedule.
With the arrival of a new year comes a time to reflect on the past year and to make resolutions or goals for the future. People who set goals are more likely to succeed than people who do not. Setting a goal is about making a commitment in words, and words have the power to create a better future. Goals communicate, to ourselves and to others, the belief that we are capable of overcoming obstacles. Imagine your life as a journey. You are walking, knapsack on your back, making good progress, until suddenly you reach a brick wall that stands in the way of reaching your destination. What do you do? Do you turn around, avoiding the challenge posed by the barrier? Or do you take the opposite approach and throw your knapsack over the wall, thus committing yourself to finding ways of getting through, around, or over the wall? A goal, an explicit commitment, focuses our attention on the target and helps us to find ways of getting there. The process of striving after goals—rather than goal attainment per se—is crucial for happiness. The primary purpose of having a goal—a future purpose—is to enhance enjoyment of the present. Goals are means, not just ends. Instead of seeing goals as ends (expecting that their attainment will make us happy), we need to see them as means (recognizing that they can enhance the pleasure we take in the journey.) The ultimate currency for a human being is happiness. (These wise words are shared from Tal Ben-Shahar’s book Happier.) Set daily goals—a one-day-at-a-time approach.
Student Clothing
With the season of cold weather, we are emphasizing the importance of our students coming to school with weather-appropriate clothing. Layers work well. Sweatshirts, hats, gloves, and winter coats should be the norm. Sandals and shorts should have found their way to the back of the closet. If a student is not dressed appropriately for the weather conditions of the day, he/she will not be able to participate in outdoor recess. We strive to provide our students with an outdoor recess experience every day, only keeping them inside when it is raining or snowing or when we have extremely cold temperatures and dangerous wind chills. We check the local weather conditions prior to each day's recess and base our indoor/outdoor decision on this data. Appropriate clothing is a must! Parent, please contact our guidance office if your family is in need of support with winter clothing for your children.
Fourth grade co-winners: Jacob DeFrancesco and Brady Fraser
Sixth grade "Good Egg" recipient: Jack Vinitsky (pictured here with his mom)
Third grade "Good Egg" recipient: Keelin Fraser (pictured here with her mom)
Our fifth grade "Good Egg" recipient is Cheyenne Hendricks.
Grade 3
Grade 5
Grade 6
Please visit the PARCC/MCAS page on this blog (click on the tab at the top) and make note of the 2015 testing dates. Please do not schedule a family vacation during our PARCC/MCAS testing dates. It is imperative that all students are at school on the days when their grade level is being tested.
Be mindful and make the most of every moment of every day. Smile as often as you can. Let those around you know how much you value their being in your life. Read and learn something new every day. Be your very best you!
With Gratitude,
Patty DeBoer
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