Sunday, June 9, 2024

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Quashnet Facebook

Take a moment and follow the Quashnet school on Facebook here:

June 9, 2024 

Events this Past Week
We had so many events this past week that were successful and fun for students. This included field trips, visits from MMHS students, the 5th vs 6th-grade soccer game, and our all-school, all-day field day. Please check this year's photo album to see all the excitement. More photos are still coming in from staff who took pictures of everything that went on this past week.

Sixth Grade Students Visit MMHS on Tuesday
On Tuesday, June 11, the sixth-grade classes are set to visit MMHS. The buses will depart Quashnet at 11:30 and arrive at MMHS shortly after. At MMHS, students will attend an assembly, have the opportunity to sign up for fall sports, eat lunch in the high school cafeteria, get a tour of the building, and receive their schedules for the next school year.

Fourth Grade Field Trip Tomorrow
The fourth grade is on their way to the Brewster Museum of Natural History on Monday, June 10, 2024. Please dress appropriately for the weather, since much of this trip takes place outside.

Award Ceremonies this Week
We are having grade-level award ceremonies this week to celebrate student successes this school year. Parents and guardians are invited. If your child is receiving an award at the ceremony, you will receive an email from the QS office by the end of business hours, Monday, June 10, 2024. This is to help you determine if you'd like to attend, or not.

Grade 3 Awards: Wednesday, June 12, 10am-11am
Grade 5 Awards: Wednesday, June 12, 2pm-3pm
Grade 4 Awards: Thursday, June 13, 10am-11am
Grade 6 Awards: Thursday, June 13, 2pm-3pm

Last Day of School

Friday, this week, June 14, 2024, is the last day of the school year. The Hyannis Sound Acapella group will be coming to Quashnet to perform for the school. It is also a half day for students. This will be my last blog post most likely until August. Thank you all for a great 23/24 school year!

  • June 10th- All Grade Four to CCMNH- All Day

  • June 11th- Grade 6 to MMHS- More information to follow

  • June 12th- Grade 3 Awards 10-11 AM/ Grade 5 Awards 2-3 PM

  • June 13th- Term 3 Ends/ Grade 4 Awards 10-11 AM/ Grade 6 Awards 2-3 PM

  • June 14th- Early Release Day/ Last Day of SY 23-24

It’s GREAT to be in MASHPEE, 

A Connected Community.

Elijah Switzer
Quashnet School Principal

Sunday, June 2, 2024

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Quashnet Facebook

Take a moment and follow the Quashnet school on Facebook here:

June 2, 2024 

MMHS Graduation Congratulations

I want to extend a big congratulations to the graduates of the class of 2024 and everyone in the town of Mashpee who supported these students on their journey through the Mashpee Public Schools! This includes parents, teachers, coaches community members, the town of Mashpee, and anyone else who helped these young women and men reach this milestone in their lives! Thank you all for the support you give to Mashpee students every day.

Field Day is on Wednesday - Directions for Students!

1. Wear Mashpee Falcons Gear/Blue & White. 

2. Wear sneakers! Students cannot take their shoes off on the field, so Crocs and sandals are discouraged. 

3. Bring a water bottle!

4. Hats, face paint, and eye black are allowed, but everything needs to be put on before arriving at school. No face paint or eye black should be brought to school. Hats can be worn inside and outside of the building that Day.

5. Students can bring lunch from home or sign up for a picnic lunch from the cafeteria with their homeroom teacher before Wednesday.

Sixth Grade Whale Watch is on Tuesday

The sixth-grade celebratory field trip of a Whale Watch out of Plymouth is on Tuesday. Please make sure to send permission slips back to teachers, by tomorrow, Monday, at the latest. Every student is permitted to bring one adult.

No Place for Hate Activity #3
I am proud to report that Quashnet is on pace to receive the designation as a No Place for Hate school through the ADL with the completion of our third and final activity this year. On Monday, June 3rd, a half day, students will complete activities with homerooms and their partner classes of another grade level. The focus of activity #3 is for students to recognize how they can make an impact to make school a better place by respecting differences.

Sixth Grade Visit to MMHS & Summer Reading

We are excited to see our 6th-grade students take the next step in their education and head to MMHS next school year. To support them with this transition, the entire grade will be visiting MMHS on June 11 for two hours in the afternoon. We'll arrive at MMHS at 12:30 to eat lunch, which will be followed by hearing from staff and getting a tour of the building.

Before the visit, students will be hearing from their current 6th-grade teachers about expectations for summer reading and will be provided with information. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Clubs Have Ended

This past week was the last week of session 2 clubs. Clubs have ended for the school year. All students should have dismissal plans for normal dismissal time at 3:35 for the remainder of the school year.

Lost & Found

The lost and found is hosting some impressive items right now. Please remind your child to ask their teacher to check the lost and found, if something has gone missing for them here at school in the last couple of months.

6th Grade Ensembles to MMHS

Students in music ensembles are attending a concert/workshop at MMHS this week on Thursday and Friday. Information was provided by the music teachers.

Fifth Grade vs. Sixth Grade Soccer Game

On Friday, June 7, is our Fifth Grade vs. Sixth Grade students soccer game. Players for this game include students who participated in the school's after-school soccer club. The entire school will participate in watching the game from 2:30-3:30 on Friday afternoon.

    Upcoming Dates 

    With so many events in the last couple weeks of school please check this list to see what applies to your child.

  • June 3rd- Early Release/ NPFH #3

  • June 4th- Grade Six Whale Watch FT- Full Day

  • June 5th- Full Day Field Day (June 6th Rain Date)

  • June 6th & 7th- Grade 6 Music Ensemble to MMHS- Alex Torres Band

  • June 7th- Grade 5 vs. Grade 6 Soccer Match @ 2:30

  • June 7th- Student Council/ NEHS All Night Event

  • June 10th- All Grade Four to CCMNH- All Day

  • June 11th- Grade 6 to MMHS- More information to follow

  • June 12th- Grade 3 Awards 10-11 AM/ Grade 5 Awards 2-3 PM

  • June 13th- Term 3 Ends/ Grade 4 Awards 10-11 AM/ Grade 6 Awards 2-3 PM

  • June 14th- Early Release Day/ Last Day of SY 23-24

It’s GREAT to be in MASHPEE, 

A Connected Community.

Elijah Switzer
Quashnet School Principal